2nd post. Not so quick to draw. on 10/11/2003 11:24 AM CDT
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I've been seriously thinking about going to Vegas Con, since its so close. But seeing as to the dirt poor college student I am I'd love to share a room with someone(s). Preferably female...cough. And preferably someone who's met me. But anyhoo. If there is anyone out there going to Veggie con and thinks they might have room for one more in their room, please contact meh. IM me at Sin of Phii or email at PhiiSerephteph@hotmail.com


I might not be able to beat you up, I know I can draw you with your finger planted firmly in your nose.
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Re: 2nd post. Not so quick to draw. on 10/11/2003 12:18 PM CDT
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Post this on the Yahoo group DR-VegasCon too. If you don't want to join the mailing list, let me know and I will copy your post here and send it out there. Get you more responses.

Email me of message me at BelediBelle.


There is nothing more liberating than dancing barefoot.
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