A certain subset of society will now be able to call the island of Ain Ghazal home if they so desire. Estate Holders that belong to the Thief Guild can now claim residence in the tunnels under the chateau. Unfortunately, there is no gender restriction, so men will have to be on their best behavior if they wish to stay members of the community.
In addition, a new hunting ground has opened up in the catacombs (previously released in Plat a few months ago). Daring adventurers might stumble across a graverobber or spriggan should they wander down the wrong route. This area is open to everyone, so please explore with caution!
Thanks to GM Nhia and GM Acoya for all of their fabulous work. :)
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
New Openings on 04/16/2009 08:18 PM CDT
Re: New Openings on 04/16/2009 09:10 PM CDT
And wasn't it just last week folks were asking for an easier critter to hunt in case they found themselves coinless for the ferry or ship? Nice release! Thank you!
I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.
I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.
Re: New Openings on 04/16/2009 09:29 PM CDT
Re: New Openings on 04/16/2009 10:29 PM CDT
Re: New Openings on 04/17/2009 06:54 AM CDT
Re: New Openings on 04/17/2009 06:25 PM CDT
God, I've been waiting for these guys to come to Prime for a Sandlot "for-ev-er." Thanks for pushing them through Tiesse!
player of more than I should list
Climbing List:
Swimming List:
And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
player of more than I should list
Climbing List:
Swimming List:
And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
Re: New Openings on 04/21/2009 01:54 PM CDT
Re: New Openings on 05/05/2009 10:54 AM CDT
Re: New Openings on 07/25/2009 07:00 PM CDT
>I can't seem to find the spriggans, anyone able to point me towards the right direction?
Sorry for the late post, but it seems the spriggans were set not to spawn by accident. This has been remedied. Please let us know if you're still encountering problems. Thanks!
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
Sorry for the late post, but it seems the spriggans were set not to spawn by accident. This has been remedied. Please let us know if you're still encountering problems. Thanks!
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague