Unsure if working as intended and I'm just missing syntax, but seems unlikely. Posting here to check, before making a bug report.
The nutshell: Sneaking through the Eastern Gate of Crossing seems bugged if you're trying to sneak from the outside in. Sneaking from inside the gate out into the middens works fine. The Northeast gate seems working as intended, 'unable to sneak in that direction,' due to the room on the Crossing side being a no-hiding area. Western and Northern working just fine with 'sneak gate' or 'sneak arch' from both sides, respectively. Eastern gate seems to be bugged from the outside sneaking in. Have tried many variations of sneak gate, ex: sneak go gate, sneak through gate, etc etc. Might just be missing one, though, hence this post.
[The Crossing, Eastern Gate]
Camels, oxen and mules compete with Elves, Gor'Togs and Humans to pass through the Eastern Gate which leads to the Middens, and the Observatory beyond. The lowing of animals and the bellowing of travelers become almost indistinguishable the more you listen. After a few minutes, so do the mingled odors of unwashed sojourners and beasts of burden. It begins to dawn on you why folks are anxious to pass through customs, whatever the cost, as quickly as possible. You also see some stone stairs leading to the top of the town wall and the Guard House.
Obvious paths: west.
You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
HR>sneak gate
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You sneak through the Eastern Gate...
[Eastern Tier, Outside Gate]
The eastern gate of the Crossing stands before you, an incomplete, but serviceable stone structure. To the north are grey slate hills rising out of dense clumps of deobar trees and groves of tall almur poplars. The land to the east is flat, and dips and rises almost imperceptibly into the distance. A single, wide path winds through it, surrounded by ruins, debris and small huts. You also see a clump of stunted bushes and a town wall.
Obvious paths: east.
H>sneak gate
In which direction are you trying to sneak?
H>look gate
The gate, while old and worn, has been stoutly maintained and the gate itself looks quite sturdy despite the ravages of time and climate.
It is open.
H>sneak gate
In which direction are you trying to sneak?
H>go gate
You come out of hiding.
[The Crossing, Eastern Gate]
Camels, oxen and mules compete with Elves, Gor'Togs and Humans to pass through the Eastern Gate which leads to the Middens, and the Observatory beyond. The lowing of animals and the bellowing of travelers become almost indistinguishable the more you listen. After a few minutes, so do the mingled odors of unwashed sojourners and beasts of burden. It begins to dawn on you why folks are anxious to pass through customs, whatever the cost, as quickly as possible. You also see some stone stairs leading to the top of the town wall and the Guard House.
Obvious paths: west.