Price Increase? on 12/13/2004 02:41 PM CST
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> join
The clerk says, "Becoming a citizen of Therengia would be a very wise decision. You would enjoy all the wide array of benefits that accompany citizenship. This will initially cost you a fee of 10000 coins and a tax of 3500 coins will be assessed every 120 days or so [30 real life days]. If you would like to become a citizen just JOIN again and I'll make you a full citizen."

I was bringing my young Paladin to become a citizen and noticed the price for joining had doubled from 5000 coins to first join to a plat. When did this happen? He's never been a citizen of anywhere else.


The journeyman picks up a small rotten tomato and throws it at you.
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Re: Price Increase? on 12/14/2004 01:24 PM CST
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I think it's always been about a plat, I can't recall though, I just get billed 5000 copper every month for being a Rissan.

Shadeau Raysen-Moonith,
Player of.
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