The currachs used to access the Halasa temple on Aesry are flagged as player-owned boats, so F2P accounts are unable to use them to travel to the temple. This makes it inaccessible outside of being Moongated since as far as I know there is no other way to get there. When I assisted about the issue, the explanation was that the game is unable to tell the difference between player-owned ships and public ones such as these.
This makes filling out a pilgrim's badge awkward for F2P players as there are 4 pilgrimage altars there. It's also rather misleading for anyone who might have purchased a Qi'Reshalia visa for that purpose since it's very unintuitive that the player-owned ship restriction would apply in this case. I appreciate that there may be some mechanical limitations as to why the game is unable to support F2P players using these boats, but if that's the case it'd be nice if an alternate access method was made available.
>[Pier, Southwest Shore of Cha'walkas]
>New planks replace those that deteriorated past safety, giving the pier a patched-up look. The grass lawn that grows close to the shore runs right up to the first boards of the pier. Salt-encrusted pilings support the structure, and gentle waves foam and splash below.
You also see a blue currach and some steps.
>Obvious paths: southwest.
>go currach
>You consider that, but decide against it.
>[You don't have access to player-owned boats because you don't have a subscription. To sign up for one, please visit .]