Through some unfortunate circumstance, the roadblock at the end of the Velakan Trade Road has been damaged. Brave adventurers may now explore the desert beyond the barrier, though they are warned of the dangerous sand constructs that roam the dunes. These creatures were last seen terrorizing people just outside of Muspar'i, though it seems they have retreated to their forsaken desert lands once again.
The ashu hhinvi are not to be taken lightly, so the less experienced should proceed with caution.
As always, please let me know if you find anything amiss, and I'll investigate as soon as I'm able. I want to send a blanket thanks to all of the GMs who helped with this release. The area and creature are live in all instances.
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
This message was originally posted in Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia, Muspar'i. To discuss the above follow the link below.