WHERE Rewards on 01/28/2011 07:54 PM CST
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Hey guys -

I'd like to add a little spice to WHERE. If you get 10 WHERE SUGGEST submissions approved, you'll receive the equivalent of a level 1 RPA. If you get 30 WHERE SUGGESTION submissions approved, you'll get a level 2 RPA.

Please remember that getting a WHERE suggestion approve hinges on a number of things:

1) The submission must be accurate.
2) The submission must not already be present.
3) The submission is properly capitalized
4) The submission is NOT a hunting area
5) The submission is an important point of interest (rather than a shop or something mundane like a regular bridge).

The submission should be done in the room that the thing you're suggesting is. I can't stress this enough! I've rejected a lot of submissions that have been made when people THOUGHT they were near something, when they actually weren't. For instance, please only submit 'Mistwood Forest' from a room where you can see something indicating you're actually in the Mistwood Forest. A lot of folks (myself included!) don't fully grasp the actual geography of the game, so it's best not to guess at what you THINK is near and just go find things. Go exploring! Read room descriptions! Go on an adventure!

I'll make a concerted effort to keep up with submissions, but please do not assist about anything related to the submission rewards. Be patient and know that you'll get your rewards when you've earned them! Assists about 'how many have I gotten approved', etc will not get you the answers you want :).

Hope this inspires some folks to get out there and find things!

This contest will go on in Prime - Coordinating all of the entries across three different game instances would be a lot more technically challenging than it's worth, and there's nothing stopping Plat folks or TFers from creating a Prime character and exploring with them.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.

This message was originally posted in Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia, General Discussions and Observations about the Geography of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.

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