Those cute origami critters on 02/20/2012 10:47 PM CST
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I haven't played Aquanelle for a while and she is really undeveloped in hunting and I was overjoyed to hear about the origami hunting grounds/mill. Whoever wrote the area, thank you so much and thanks for the cute messaging (origami coming into the room rearranging their folds etc.).

You have a good sense of humor and really made it a nice place for the lower empaths to train. This area has made me want to train Aqua again as I was getting bored just healing. Thanks much.

Aquanelle's player
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Re: Those cute origami critters on 02/21/2012 09:13 PM CST
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>You have a good sense of humor and really made it a nice place for the lower empaths to train.

Spread the word to other young empaths to get out of the guild!
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