Halls of Choosing on 07/09/2014 03:31 PM CDT
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Does anyone else remember the Halls of Choosing fondly?

IMO, the old character creation process with the figurines and being guided through choosing your features by Faenella was a much better way of creating a character than what we've currently got. It's good that random rolling for attributes was nixed, but that seems like the only real improvement to the process of creating a character. There was something special about the Halls of Choosing that I miss. Creating a character just seems boring now by comparison - again, randomized attributes aside. It was a great little introduction to the feel of the game as a first-time player, and even when going back to make a second, third, etc character felt fun and special. Like creating a new life as opposed to filling out a sheet.

I miss it.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/09/2014 04:18 PM CDT
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With the exception of the fiddly feature mirrors, which were replaced by the faenella interview eventually, I found it generally nicer. Creating a character is much more cold and impersonal in the new system, and conveys nothing of the idea or playstyle of Dragonrealms. It feels like another game's.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/11/2014 04:25 AM CDT
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> Mirrors

Slightly off thread, but not worthy of starting a new one...

Do I recall correctly that mirrors used to show you the image that someone else saw when they looked at you, and now they just show what you would see with a LOOK <self>.


Azkaban UiNeill, Bard of Therengia, an Elf

Singing for tips since 312.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/11/2014 04:36 AM CDT
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>Do I recall correctly that mirrors used to show you the image that someone else saw when they looked at you, and now they just show what you would see with a LOOK <self>.

I don't recall them ever showing the third-person messaging, but my memory isn't perfect.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/11/2014 07:35 AM CDT
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>but my memory isn't perfect.

Nor mine, and we might be talking 10 years ago...

I wonder if this possible? Just for seeing the impact of feature hiders, etc. (and because I'm vain).


Azkaban UiNeill, Bard of Therengia, an Elf

Singing for tips, since 312.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/11/2014 08:11 AM CDT
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>>I wonder if this possible?

I've looked into this, and it would be non-trivial.

Definitely possible, but it would require bushwhacking deep into the jungly depths of the feature system and making fairly extensive changes. Not difficult changes, exactly, but there would be a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong.

Every so often I forget how jungly the depths are, look into it, and then NOPE right out of the code after a few minutes.

Nature, it seems, is the popular name
for milliards and milliards and milliards
of particles playing their infinite game
of billiards and billiards and billiards.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/13/2014 08:58 PM CDT
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Out of curiosity, why were the halls of choosing removed in favor of the current system? I was gone when it happened, and I haven't heard.
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Re: Halls of Choosing on 07/13/2014 09:55 PM CDT
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>>Out of curiosity, why were the halls of choosing removed in favor of the current system? I was gone when it happened, and I haven't heard.

New system is a lot more robust/offers more things/more user friendly/etc.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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