Therengia to Forfedhdar on 12/30/2015 11:12 AM CST
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Been looking over the maps of the realms, both the official colorful ones and then the zone maps, and been fascinated by the idea that someday it could be possible to travel from Therengia to Forfedhdar. I know there's a mountain range in between, but there ought to be some level of passage between them, based on the in-game lore. Forfedhdar still hasn't opened up all of its secrets, with Nenav Dalar still lost and Kwarlog extending northward with more populated areas. We are told that House M'Henral controls the sole bridge spanning the Faldesu west of Langenfirth and the Kwarlogian Road. House Chancar lies in the forests east of Kwarlog. So where's this Kwarlogian Road?!
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Re: Therengia to Forfedhdar on 12/30/2015 11:53 AM CST
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I doubt we will see this road opened up for public use anytime soon. You can already run between Theren and Boar Clan in ~5 minutes with 500+ Athletics and some ice skates, plus you can shift a beam from the far west of the Rakash Village to the Ranger/Cleric's guild in BC to open a moongate. While the passage would be a cool addition I think it would just make mainland travel that much easier/quicker.
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Re: Therengia to Forfedhdar on 12/30/2015 12:42 PM CST
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>>You can already run between Theren and Boar Clan in ~5 minutes with 500+ Athletics and some ice skates, plus you can shift a beam from the far west of the Rakash Village to the Ranger/Cleric's guild in BC to open a moongate.

Well, what percentage of players qualifies for those two options? The issue just isn't making mainland travel easier, it's opening up an unknown area on a map and adding some cities that have been referenced in lore but never accessible.
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Re: Therengia to Forfedhdar on 12/30/2015 04:11 PM CST
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My understanding is that GMs want to do it, but when it happens is another story entirely.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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