I was poking around inside Aesthene's Close today, when I noticed the tiles reference some plants that I had not seen elsewhere in game nor could I find on wikipedia.
Anyone have any information about Dirdel flower, Almagarus flower and Horeb root?
Oh, and what the heck is a Nadira?
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Old Plants on 11/22/2011 02:41 AM CST
Re: Old Plants on 11/22/2011 04:27 AM CST
I looked up some old logs to see what I could find for you. Here's nadira:
[Riverhaven, The Pier]
The sounds of the working salt yard grow distant as you travel the thick wooden planks of the pier. You pass several stacks of barrels and crates, some tied in bundles with heavy netting. A nadira bird, perched upon a coil of rope, turns its head to fix a beady eye on you before returning to its naturally disinterested state.
[The Strand, Crystalline Beach]
Short grasses and flowering dirdel provide a carpet in the sand along this part of the Segoltha. A jagged rock breaks the surface of the water just off shore, obscuring part of the starry sky. The intermittent chatter of a family of nesting Nadira birds reaches your ear. You also see a smooth sandstone tower and a sturdy pier.
[Aesry Surlaenis'a, Ayor Eloir'i'a]
The leaves rustle as a group of nadira birds settle into their nest for the remainder of the night. The eerie sound of a howling wolf off in the distance breaks the silence.
As for almagarus flowers, I've seen them here:
[Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Patches of thistle grow tall along the trail, waving softly in the breeze. You stumble across some wild-growing almagarus flowers, their deep red petals a sharp contrast to the seemingly endless carpet of green. Now and again you can see a group of travelers making their way north towards The Crossing, while the undulating vista of the Siergelde is visible to the southwest, breaking the otherwise flat horizon.
I've also seen an almagarus dream pillow, and there's a tiny bit more about them on elanthipedia: http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Almagarus
And dirdel flowers:
[Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Level ground gives way to a slow incline, and the occasional juniper and spreading oak are all that adorn the otherwise featureless plain. Irregular patches of flowering dirdel provide pockets of color in the endless green landscape which stretches north, west and south. You also see a smooth jade tower and a small mound.
[Siergelde Cliffs, High Path]
Large chunks of path have slipped a few inches down the cliff, and the only things holding them in place are the weeds. As the cliff inclines, a ledge of rock forms between the pathway and the void beyond, and the ground is interspersed with cheerful yellow dirdel.
[Resurrection Creche, Hallway]
Hanging from a golden brazier is a colorful wreath of branches bearing dark green leaves. Sprinkled amongst the verdant boughs are pea-sized dirdel flowers of fiery red bearing triangular silver foliage. The wreath adds a bit of color to the hallway of drab white.
XXXX exhales through pursed lips, as if he just sucked on a lemon. The dissipating smoke flavors the air with a distinct citrus smell akin to a ripening orchard of fruit trees. The invigorating scent of fresh dirdel flower emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a piquant, lemony aroma.
"Dirdel flower" is also available as a scent, and dirdel flowers are forageable at high ranks.
I couldn't find anything on horeb root.
-- Player of Eyuve
[Riverhaven, The Pier]
The sounds of the working salt yard grow distant as you travel the thick wooden planks of the pier. You pass several stacks of barrels and crates, some tied in bundles with heavy netting. A nadira bird, perched upon a coil of rope, turns its head to fix a beady eye on you before returning to its naturally disinterested state.
[The Strand, Crystalline Beach]
Short grasses and flowering dirdel provide a carpet in the sand along this part of the Segoltha. A jagged rock breaks the surface of the water just off shore, obscuring part of the starry sky. The intermittent chatter of a family of nesting Nadira birds reaches your ear. You also see a smooth sandstone tower and a sturdy pier.
[Aesry Surlaenis'a, Ayor Eloir'i'a]
The leaves rustle as a group of nadira birds settle into their nest for the remainder of the night. The eerie sound of a howling wolf off in the distance breaks the silence.
As for almagarus flowers, I've seen them here:
[Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Patches of thistle grow tall along the trail, waving softly in the breeze. You stumble across some wild-growing almagarus flowers, their deep red petals a sharp contrast to the seemingly endless carpet of green. Now and again you can see a group of travelers making their way north towards The Crossing, while the undulating vista of the Siergelde is visible to the southwest, breaking the otherwise flat horizon.
I've also seen an almagarus dream pillow, and there's a tiny bit more about them on elanthipedia: http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Almagarus
And dirdel flowers:
[Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Level ground gives way to a slow incline, and the occasional juniper and spreading oak are all that adorn the otherwise featureless plain. Irregular patches of flowering dirdel provide pockets of color in the endless green landscape which stretches north, west and south. You also see a smooth jade tower and a small mound.
[Siergelde Cliffs, High Path]
Large chunks of path have slipped a few inches down the cliff, and the only things holding them in place are the weeds. As the cliff inclines, a ledge of rock forms between the pathway and the void beyond, and the ground is interspersed with cheerful yellow dirdel.
[Resurrection Creche, Hallway]
Hanging from a golden brazier is a colorful wreath of branches bearing dark green leaves. Sprinkled amongst the verdant boughs are pea-sized dirdel flowers of fiery red bearing triangular silver foliage. The wreath adds a bit of color to the hallway of drab white.
XXXX exhales through pursed lips, as if he just sucked on a lemon. The dissipating smoke flavors the air with a distinct citrus smell akin to a ripening orchard of fruit trees. The invigorating scent of fresh dirdel flower emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a piquant, lemony aroma.
"Dirdel flower" is also available as a scent, and dirdel flowers are forageable at high ranks.
I couldn't find anything on horeb root.
-- Player of Eyuve
Re: Old Plants on 11/22/2011 07:09 AM CST
Re: Old Plants on 11/27/2011 12:47 PM CST