Hidden places. on 07/06/2012 03:00 PM CDT
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What are some of your favorite lesser-known, out of the way areas in Elanthia? I love exploring places like these. I guess not much is truly unknown anymore, as everything is well mapped out these days, but still there are remote or well-concealed places around.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/06/2012 08:19 PM CDT
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I don't know about other guilds, but I've enjoyed hunting for and exploring the various sanctuaries within the Bard Guilds. It might mean rolling up and playing a Bard if you want to explore them by yourself, but part of the joy of them was finding the hidden clues and then getting to see the unique libraries and rooms.

-Broichan Leshyahen

> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/06/2012 10:48 PM CDT
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well, one of the things I did was to roll up a mm character for all the different sects and explore the sect-only places. <have someone in everything except heritage at present>. My particular favorite was the sect area for the Monks of the Crystal hand. I've also recently explored more places in Throne City as well. I enjoyed exploring under the MM guild in Crossing - but not with my MoonMages, with other of my characters that can see in the dark and aren't threatened by Death Spirits. I also enjoyed exploring Undershard with my Thief back in the day.

And, some quest areas I haven't explored yet, and some of the very difficult areas. hunting river sprites was something that opened up to my necro after i got 300 in swimming, which was fun, because before this I was unable to access that area. I do like the maps to fall back on in case I get lost <i don't have genie>, but I do like exploring, and taking the time to discover things that are new to me. I look forward to exploring under the swamps of the Zaulfang once I have a clerical character capable of surviving down there <quests were run through as fast as possible in order to survive>. That area is very deliciously creepy and fun to explore for the qualified.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/07/2012 11:16 AM CDT
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> hunting river sprites was something that opened up to my necro after i got 300 in swimming, which was fun, because before this I was unable to access that area.

River sprites take, at most, 50 swimming. They're not in the middle of the Segoltha.

> I do like the maps to fall back on in case I get lost

There's this newfangled thing called "the internet" and I hear it has maps on it.

> I look forward to exploring under the swamps of the Zaulfang once I have a clerical character capable of surviving down there

It's not a cleric-only area.

> That area is very deliciously creepy and fun to explore for the qualified.

It's not a cleric-only area.

- Tyr, player of

Grolig exclaims, "Silly Paladin!"
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/07/2012 12:13 PM CDT
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<<There's this newfangled thing called "the internet" and I hear it has maps on it.>>

I use Ranik's maps, i don't have genie-automapper. Those are most useful.

<<It's not a cleric-only area.>>
Well aware of that, thanks. Many of them are coded as "evil" though, so are easier fought with holy magic. There is also a cleric-only housing area down there as well. Which, ironically, I managed to find with a Necromancer.

<qualified> doesn't mean cleric-only. It means capable of surviving down there.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/09/2012 10:57 PM CDT
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<< I use Ranik's maps, i don't have genie-automapper. Those are most useful. >>>

Auto mapper is most useful.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/10/2012 01:18 PM CDT
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My favorite area to explore has always been the Hunting Preserve out the West Gate of Crossing. It is a fairly large area, but you can spend a few hours exploring rooms, examining items, etc. Great history behind the place, too!

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Re: Hidden places. on 07/11/2012 12:36 PM CDT
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Heritage House MM have an ability which will let them into any sect hall.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/12/2012 07:00 AM CDT
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I know that. But none of my MMs except the one that is going to be heritage is "suitable", personality-wise, to be heritage. Each of them are very dedicated to their own path. <backstories available for 2 of them so far, on elanthipedia. Once the others advance to 30th circle, they'll be up there, too. :-)>

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/27/2012 02:08 PM CDT
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One of my favorite out-of-the-way spots is the hidden spring about halfway up the road to the city of Aesry.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/27/2012 07:18 PM CDT
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I used to like to use that trapdoor room in the Taverm in Haven as my little hideaway box poppign spot.
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Re: Hidden places. on 07/27/2012 08:28 PM CDT
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>I used to like to use that trapdoor room in the Taverm in Haven as my little hideaway box poppign spot.

But then I took an arrow in the knee. :p

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
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