Dalesian on 06/07/2014 11:07 PM CDT
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So I've come across the descriptor "Dalesian" twice, one in reference to Dalesian white wine and one in reference to Dalesian packrats.

This vaguely implies that it might be a adjective of region, but the only thing I can come up would be some obscure reference to Arthe Dale.

Anyone have some insight or a better guess?

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Re: Dalesian on 04/07/2016 07:20 PM CDT
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No idea, I've been wondering this myself. It doesnt seem to be a location though. Maybe it refers to a method? I'm lost as you are.

"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"

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Re: Dalesian on 04/07/2016 09:30 PM CDT
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So, I don't know where or when the original post was. It's not on this page, but:

>No idea, I've been wondering this myself. It doesnt seem to be a location though. Maybe it refers to a method? I'm lost as you are.

Dalesian would refer to Arthe Dale. So,Dalesian wine is wine specifically made in Arthe Dale, a specific way. HTH.

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