Stop the Rossman's Bridge on 09/30/2019 07:17 AM CDT
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Has there been any thought given to the fact that removing the rope bridge from Rossman's directly affects rangers by making the only worthwhile trail we have in the game completely obsolete? There's no reason to take the trail around Lake Gwen if you remove the obstacles from the alternative route. I assumed there wasn't anything more you guys could take away from rangers, but it's very frustrating to see I was wrong.
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Re: Stop the Rossman's Bridge on 09/30/2019 11:47 AM CDT
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I can sympathize with the frustration here, but what you've described isn't a reason to halt development of the bridge; it's a reason to push forward with development of the Ranger guild. They deserve something way better and more substantial than a bit of a shortcut through this one particular area.

In addition, we don't really know yet whether the new bridge will actually be faster than the rope arrangement that's there now. It may be that there will end up being a "wait for this thing to open" stage similar to the drawbridge into Theren Keep or the Gear Gate into Raven's Point, and the point of the upgrade is only to remove the "one person at a time" restriction. That would still be a massive, much-needed improvement, and would refrain from stomping on the Ranger guild's remaining toe.

-Biomancer Karthor
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Re: Stop the Rossman's Bridge on 09/30/2019 09:11 PM CDT
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It's entirely possible it will be a toll bridge too.
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