Weather on 02/11/2009 10:02 PM CST
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Does anyone know if the weather in the provinces ubiquitous? For instance, if it's sunny in Wolf Clan, will it always be sunny in all of Therengia?
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Re: Weather on 02/11/2009 10:09 PM CST
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The weather in Kermoria is ubiquitous, I believe.

Severe weather (stuff that actually affects you negatively) is the only exception. Hail storms, white outs, and the like move from area to area.
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Re: Weather on 02/12/2009 05:44 AM CST
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the only real place where the weather shows up differently is in Muspar'i. And I believe that is because of the unique desert messaging, but it really only gives different atmospheric messaging.

The instances however, are unique. So you could be having a bright and sunshiney day in Plat, a cloudy day in Prime, and a thunderstorm in TF.
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Weather messaging on 03/27/2011 10:34 PM CDT
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Does anyone have a list of all the weather messaging? I had a pretty good highlight list going before my hard drive crashed and would like to get that going again without starting all the way over. (gold for gold skies, grey for grey etc. etc.) I think it is one of the best parts of the game and highlighting it makes it pretty cool.
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Re: Weather messaging on 03/27/2011 11:06 PM CDT
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eh obviously only one of the coolest parts due to the atmosphere and not due to effort or practical compexity/awesomeness. Still, some of them are failry poetic and come to think of it I wouldn't mind seeing some more accent and effect with the storms and heck maybe get some of the gods involved :). Heck maybe give some guilds an advantage during certain weather events. Nothing better during a long hunt then seeing a snow storm move in when you are fighting some dragon priests or something. EPIC.
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Re: Weather messaging on 07/15/2011 06:11 AM CDT
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>>Does anyone have a list of all the weather messaging?

Hey, I know I'm late in responding, but I might be able to help you out. I spent a long time compiling a ton of weather messages a while ago, for the same purpose. It was just neat to highlight them. :)

Anyway I can't seem to find the file on a cursory glance, but if you still need it I can dig deeper.

-- Player of Eyuve
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