Where to start?
Maybe this has been posted over and over. If so, I'm sorry.
What is behind the philosophy that limited hunting room is good? I have recently returned to playing DR. I’ve been hunting in the Therengia area. I’ve noticed some new areas are opened up, but they are very limited in the space available. Three spots for upper level deer? Three spots for lower level gryphon’s? Why?
Maybe there is no philosophy behind these choices. Some choices are made because no one thought through the consequences of their actions. Whatever the reasoning, would it be possible to open up some hunting room in the hunting grounds?
hunting grounds on 07/19/2011 07:50 PM CDT
Re: hunting grounds on 07/19/2011 08:00 PM CDT
With the way spawn mechanics works, limited hunting ground is probably for the best. Try hunting the peccaries in Rossman's if you don't believe me. Too much area means the critters are spread to thin, and it's hard to find more than one or two at a time, and you pretty much have to wander. Given the choice between hunting in a small area and a large area, I'll always take the small area for that reason.
Gryphons is pretty overcrowded though. There have been requests to add a couple more rooms there for a while.
Gryphons is pretty overcrowded though. There have been requests to add a couple more rooms there for a while.
Re: hunting grounds on 07/20/2011 08:31 AM CDT
it may be because gryphons appear both up near rossmans and down near shard, its was thought to be redundant to have a large area elsewhere. I did find it crowded, being as I tried hunting there at approx 4 am in prime and found most of the rooms occupied.
War is Peace, Truth is Lies. -george orwell
War is Peace, Truth is Lies. -george orwell
Re: hunting grounds on 07/20/2011 02:46 PM CDT
Re: hunting grounds on 07/20/2011 04:38 PM CDT
Re: hunting grounds on 07/20/2011 05:50 PM CDT
I'm not sure there is a better transition than bandits/warcats --> fledgling/baby gryphons --> young gryphons --> orc reavers --> orc raiders. I've been in Rossman's nearly quadruple the time I've ever spent in any other location just from that ladder alone, and I believe that is why the area is so popular. Every option you need from about 200 ranks to roughly 500 ranks is covered in a small, central location with quick access to a highly active RP area.
Personally, I think it is the best designed hunting area in the game regarding creature ladder and I would be exceptionally happy if more areas were designed this way.
Personally, I think it is the best designed hunting area in the game regarding creature ladder and I would be exceptionally happy if more areas were designed this way.
Re: hunting grounds on 07/23/2011 07:46 AM CDT
> limited hunting ground is probably for the best.
There's definitely a difference between limited and best. What we really want is compact hunting areas with lots of interconnects. You also want large, but compact hunting areas for popular critters (gryphons, deer in this discussion). If the Rossmans gryphon eyrie was a 15 room cluster (each room connected to no less than 3 others) I have no doubt that most rooms would be filled on any given night and even during slow hours the swarms would be nice. The redeeming feature of the current spawn in there is that it's not room capped. Get your script to play nicely with a hunting partner and team up.
tl;dr Having 3 rooms of the most popular critters is just plain bad game design.
~Hunter Hanryu
There's definitely a difference between limited and best. What we really want is compact hunting areas with lots of interconnects. You also want large, but compact hunting areas for popular critters (gryphons, deer in this discussion). If the Rossmans gryphon eyrie was a 15 room cluster (each room connected to no less than 3 others) I have no doubt that most rooms would be filled on any given night and even during slow hours the swarms would be nice. The redeeming feature of the current spawn in there is that it's not room capped. Get your script to play nicely with a hunting partner and team up.
tl;dr Having 3 rooms of the most popular critters is just plain bad game design.
~Hunter Hanryu
Re: hunting grounds on 07/25/2011 02:49 PM CDT
<<Every option you need from about 200 ranks to roughly 500 ranks is covered in a small, central location with quick access to a highly active RP area.
Which makes for an area that has RP going on regularly. I find it a bit amazing that this concept is not extended to more areas and (in this area) expanded to allow for higher levels of training. I believe something is in the works however, so hopefully there will be some good news in that area "soon" for upper-level training (post 500).
Which makes for an area that has RP going on regularly. I find it a bit amazing that this concept is not extended to more areas and (in this area) expanded to allow for higher levels of training. I believe something is in the works however, so hopefully there will be some good news in that area "soon" for upper-level training (post 500).