Beauty Shop on 12/06/2002 01:41 PM CST
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Geez, never thought I'd write something about a beauty shop. <shudder>

I understand the beauty shop has been closed ever since the Empaths learned how to shift one's features. That would be acceptable if they weren't charging highway robbery to shift. I think the prices for changes available only through shift, i.e. eyes, skin, features, are "reasonable," for want of a be

A group calling themselves the Empathic Cartel (excuse me, Coalition) is charging 100000 Kronars to change one's hair colorand 3000 Kronar to change beard length (they don't have a price for changing hair length on their website, www.coalition,, so I can only assume it's the same as a beard length shift). The beauty shop, meanwhile, charged 160-8500 Kronars depending on the desired color of the hair and 10-500 Kronars depending on hair length.

By taking away their only competition and our only way to have a choice, you've allowed the Empaths to run amuck with prices. I ask that the Leth Deriel GM reopen the beauty shop so as not be implicated in creating an Empathic monopoly.

<puts away the soap box>

-Thilan, who just wants a haircut.
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Re: Beauty Shop on 12/06/2002 05:02 PM CST
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In all likelihood the Leth Beauty Shop will reopen, and will reopen offering its traditional services. However, the code that supports the beauty shop has a "feature" that is incompatible (and downright abuse-able) with the new feature-shifting system. I cannot give you a timeframe to expect the shop to reopen, but at least I can give you the hope that it should.

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Re: Beauty Shop on 12/06/2002 09:09 PM CST
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Thanks for the reply; that's good to know.

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Re: Beauty Shop on 12/11/2002 04:12 PM CST
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Yes, thank you Meriel. I know a lot of people have been wondering about this. As a member of the Empath Coalition (heaven forbid Empaths should have a way to make money), I'm glad to be able to tell folks it will more than likely re-open so they can stop yelling at us. <wink>

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Re: Beauty Shop on 12/11/2002 08:12 PM CST
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::chuckles:: I hear you, Karrieanne. In all honestly, this isn't one of the things at the top of my list right now because I'm waiting for shift to settle down as far as being sure that the various tweaks that inevitably occur to any new system get tweaked and any bugs identified get squashed. Once that's done, the beauty shop will get some attention. I anticipate that it'll function exactly as before; although we may revisit some of the prices. That will be up to the economy guru, and the reason I mention it upfront now is that I don't want the empaths to get any heat if the prices do go up. Anytime a shop gets a major overhaul, the prices get reviewed as well, so an increase would not be a reflection of any pricing the empaths are doing. It would merely be business as usual in renovating a shop.

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To GM Meriel: Beauty Shop update? on 05/05/2003 06:48 PM CDT
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Was just wondering if you ever heard back from the GM in charge of getting the beauty shop back open? I noticed you had mentioned in March that you were going to check with someone about it. All I want is a hair-length adjustment. :( I don't think hair length is shiftable, is it?

Thanks! And I didn't mean to be a pest! ;)

Hate is too powerful an emotion to waste on someone you don't even like.
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Re: To GM Meriel: Beauty Shop update? on 05/05/2003 06:52 PM CDT
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Hair length IS Shiftable. If you want to do it OOC or IC you can email me at I'm sure I can make you a reasonable price offer.

~player of Syrath
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Re: To GM Meriel: Beauty Shop update? on 05/05/2003 06:56 PM CDT
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woohoo! I didn't know that! And thanks for the offer. Getting a nasty skin condition fixed tonight, so I'll inquire then, but thanks! May contact you if I can't get it done at the same time. :)

Hate is too powerful an emotion to waste on someone you don't even like.
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Beauty Shop? on 01/30/2010 06:54 PM CST
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I've been away from the realms for a bit and returned a few months ago. Recently, I traveled down to Leth to get a hair cut. Alas, the beauty shop is still closed. I've just looked through this folder, and found posts dating back to 2002 asking, "When will the shop reopen?" The next group of posts is in 2006, "When will the shop open?" Now it is 2010. The shop has been closed for 8 years, isn't what amounts to decades in-game? I'm frustrated to put it lightly. Everything I could say has been said years ago - just look up the old posts (especially, there isn't a single place in all the realms where someone can just take a knife to your hair) - I'll keep it simple here and just say, "for goodness sake open up the blasted beauty shop or have it boarded up and occupied by baddies, anything, just stop ignoring this issue! Talk about the fabled DR 'SOON'... man!"

Thank you GMs!!!

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Re: Beauty Shop? on 01/30/2010 07:12 PM CST
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From what I understand, its never opening again, since we have empathic shifting. It would 'cut' into their business.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 01/30/2010 07:16 PM CST
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It's not really about shift at this point. There's a whole new features system in the game that the shop is incompatible with.

Rev. Reene

(Ventuul demonstrates a sneak attack to the face.)
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 01/30/2010 07:21 PM CST
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In the meanwhile, you need to see an empathic beautician. ;)

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 01/30/2010 08:12 PM CST
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Why would anyone want a haircut when you can submit to an expensive black-market cellular alteration to grow shorter hair?

"Magic has rules and so does posting on these forums." -Annwyl
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 12:06 AM CST
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Ah, yes. Very intrestin'. Well I guess I'll just visit an Empath with shift... since y'all have been most helpful I don't think it out of place to ask - know where I can get a shift?

In the meantime, (and in order to fit in with the whole shift/feature system) why not have the beautician of Leth Deriel return as an Empath? She went on a long journey, and now she can shift people.

I just have to say also that I wouldn't know about 80 percent of the stuff in Dragonrealms if someone didn't tell about it, and I'm not referring to ingame secrets here. Go board jungle, go board monkeys!

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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 12:10 AM CST
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>>In the meantime, (and in order to fit in with the whole shift/feature system) why not have the beautician of Leth Deriel return as an Empath? She went on a long journey, and now she can shift people.

Shifting is taboo; you can be kicked out of the Empath guild and barred from circling for practicing too publicly.

-- Player of Szrael --

(12:09:15 AM) catman: every time i find someone that has calm as their default speech emote, my first reaction is to try and make them angry
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 12:32 AM CST
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It's really the greatest system design, ever.

"Magic has rules and so does posting on these forums." -Annwyl
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 01:04 PM CST
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You might make a discreet inquiry of the PHA (Professional Healers Association). There are a number of other empaths who can do what you want too.

Good luck!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 04:40 PM CST
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All I wanted was a haircut, just one haircut! Actually, several. Hoo hoo! Ha. I shall seek out this undergound service. Only in dragonrealms would one need to use taboo magic to shorten one's hair a few inches. But I like it. Ok! I have cut this thread. Or rather, shifted it (to a different folder). Love.
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 04:52 PM CST
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on a semi-related note, someone mentioned hairstyles with the use of hair combs. Are there more hairstyle options than the default ARRANGE if you had a comb? Or was he referring to the custom haircombs at the riverhaven shop?

If it is the former, what is the syntax to the additional menu?
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Re: Beauty Shop? on 02/01/2010 05:11 PM CST
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Custom haircombs.

And if you picked the sandalwood chest on the Dunshade quest you have even more options.

Rev. Reene

(Ventuul demonstrates a sneak attack to the face.)
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