Gemshop on 01/07/2005 06:47 PM CST
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Why is the gemshop closed, please?

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Re: Gemshop on 01/07/2005 08:58 PM CST
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>>Why is the gemshop closed, please?

Closed, closed, as in locked up for the night? Or closed, as in bonk your head closed? Some shops DO keep certain hours...

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Gemshop on 01/08/2005 08:05 AM CST
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Unless something's changed, the Leth Deriel gemshop should be open all the time. But it is rather picky about the syntax for enterring it. I find myself having to check whether it's go shop or go store all the time.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Gemshop on 01/08/2005 09:25 AM CST
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It's always been "Go cabin", and open all hours, unless that's changed. I smash my elegant Elothean nose, although the "locals" are still going in and out. It's been some days now.
Maybe they're having a trader swimming pool installed...


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Re: Gemshop on 01/17/2005 05:02 PM CST
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The leth gem shop is still closed.

[Leth Deriel, Atila Lane]
A log cabin, one of the more prosperous-looking freestanding structures in Leth Deriel, perches jauntily just off the path to the north. Some very wealthy locals, as well as gaudily attired merchants, high ranking clerics, venerable paladins and other ostentatious outsiders file in and out of the cabin in an unhurried, dignified manner. A gilded sign hangs over the door.

It has been 378 years, 228 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Silver Unicorn.
It is currently summer and it is mid-afternoon.

>go cabin
Bonk! You smash your nose.
go shop
[Assuming you mean a log cabin.]
Bonk! You smash your nose.
>go store
What were you referring to?
>go path
What were you referring to?

This gem shop was always open all the time, and it's just closed, what gives?

read sign
A gilded sign reads:
Khushi's Gold and Silver Creations - Jewelry For Those With Enough Taste Not To Ask "How Much?".
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Re: Gemshop on 01/17/2005 05:37 PM CST
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Silly question, but did you try "go door"?


[Rencin] "any moonies about , i be needin a locate please"
[Daryn] "You are in front of the bank, Rencin"
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Re: Gemshop on 01/18/2005 12:21 AM CST
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it's always been 'go cabin' to get into the leth gem shop, as far back as i can remember


I kill unarmed animals 24 anlaen a day. And I am constantly plastered in blood and bile from skinning their still-warm corpses. This "connection to the natural world" is why I intuitively grasp Anmal Lore. Also, I can shoot bees.
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Re: Gemshop on 01/18/2005 08:14 PM CST
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Another silly question: sometimes people think they're being funny and close shops (or maybe they get closed during crashes)...have you tried to open it?

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