Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/20/2005 11:36 AM CST
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Was wondering what it was like to fall through the ceiling there. Totally wound free.

go door
The floor beneath you gives way, sending you crashing to...
[Oshu'ehhrsk Manor, Pantry]
Dust is all that remains of the foodstuffs collected here, once so carefully labeled and placed upon the shelves in convenient containers. Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but an absence of kitchen workers and hungry diners has left only flasks filled with murkiness, boxes marked with such frail delicacies as "cookies" and "bread," and wine racks lined with cracked bottles.
Obvious exits: north.
* Redfers was just struck down!
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your spirit and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

You are somewhat comforted that you have gained favor with your God and are in no danger of walking the Starry Road, never to return.

Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 470 minutes.
>l redf
A glowering Shadow Servant trudges in, following you.
You are Redfers Mogens, a Gnome.
You have laugh lines, sparkling milky white eyes and a freckled nose. You have cropped honey hair and fair skin and a thin build.
You are tall for a Gnome.
You have a tattoo of six towers on a field of stars encircled by the three Elanthian moons on your wrist.

You appear to be dead! Other than that...

You have a ghastly bloated head with bleeding from the ears compounded by a crushed skull with horrendous wounds, a severely swollen and deeply bruised chest area with ribs protruding out from the skin compounded by a completely destroyed chest area with nearly all flesh and bone torn away revealing a gaping hole, a severely swollen and deeply bruised back with ribs or vertebrae protruding out from the skin compounded by a shattered back with gaping wounds.

You are bleeding with widespread discoloration and rigidity in the back, severely from the back, with widespread discoloration in the head, severely from the head and with widespread discoloration and rigidity in the chest.

Redfers has 40 stamina, which is a fair bit for a gnome

Any idea if it's always fatal and if there is some way of avoiding it altogether?

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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/20/2005 11:42 AM CST
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I've fallen through many times. Never got even close to that much damage. Normally just a few bleeders. You sure you were wound free? Maybe the damage is random?

~Ascot, et al.
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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/20/2005 11:48 AM CST
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Usually when ever i've fallen through (prolly under 10 times total) i've lived to tell the tale but with mostly lower body damage not so much the head. I've always thought falling through was burden related, where you heavily burdened by chance? Also your agility might play a part in escaping damage more than your stamina. I would agree that looks like an evil fall ye took there.


A hulking black barghest's hind leg twitches in its sleep.
A giant skeletal claw rises rapidly from the mire, lurching outward to grasp at you! You dodge lithely aside!
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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/20/2005 12:44 PM CST
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I did think it odd. Burden was at none and agility at 50. First fall from there after a lot of visits though, so shouldn't be complaining to much I suppose

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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/20/2005 12:49 PM CST
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<<Burden was at none and agility at 50.>>

Heh, well there goes that theory. I would tend to lean towards the random damage then. Shrug


A hulking black barghest's hind leg twitches in its sleep.
A giant skeletal claw rises rapidly from the mire, lurching outward to grasp at you! You dodge lithely aside!
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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/20/2005 04:07 PM CST
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Did anyone who walked away have head/vitals damage? It might be they're randomizing which part of the body is hitting first and applying damage that way rather than an all-over "eenie-meenie-minie-moe" method. Thus, if you land on a vitals part you go SPLAT! but if you land on an arm or leg you just go OWWW!.

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/21/2005 02:25 PM CST
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Quit messing up my manor.

And it's either random or gnomes fall head first. Big-headed gnomes.


Your mind hears Kiy thinking, "bends you over but positions mirrors so you can watch"
Your mind hears Kiy thinking, "okay that was Moonmage training..nothing to see here"
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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/24/2005 02:51 PM CST
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It was the cookies and bread in the pantry you fell into. As your were falling, your body said 'mmmm cookies... mmmm bread' and involuntarily twisted to try and land mouth-first on them. Unfortunately you missed :(
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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/24/2005 02:53 PM CST
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That must have been a really huge unlucky roll.. not only did you crash in places where wounds bad enough would kill you... those were the only spots you got hit at. I've only fallen a few times but most of the time it's stuff on the limbs and maybe one or two on the torso area. I don't think I've ever gotten neck/head. If I have, it obviously wasn't enough to kill me since I've never died from a fall in there.

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Re: Falling through the ceiling in the manor on 02/25/2005 05:30 PM CST
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Yikes Redfers! I went walking around upstairs after you told me it's possible to fall through. Curious me had to find out what happens. I ended up with three light bleeders. I was mostly wound free, no burden either. My stamina is 10 points lower than yours and 25 less agility. Maybe it is random? I got 50 reflex, but I assume yours is higher than that being a Gnome. Odd!

Maybe different rooms have more damage potential if you fall through them. I would just guess it's random. I wish you told me I could have died falling from up there!

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