Training? on 01/12/2006 04:59 PM CST
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Having spent the good part of the last 2 weeks in Leth, I noticed a huge gap in the training spots. Yeah, it's close enough to Xing that I could use the NTR, or go down to Shard, but that's not the real issue.

Are there any good places to train survivals in the 60-80 range?

"I'm not a thief, just a ranger with a hobby." - Kayasha
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Re: Training? on 01/12/2006 07:36 PM CST
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Dunno about specifically in the 60-80 range, but as far as climbing goes you specifically can learn on whatever's in the Leth area:

Moss Meys have a swimming area that should teach you still. I don't know of any other immediately-Leth-area swimming locations, though.

Climbing, there's the monolith to get into the moss mey area. There's also the Uberwhack Mansion grounds where the revenant zombies, blood wolves, grave worms, germish'din, and sveordmar kartais munch on adventurers--there's a sinkhole that leads to the germish'din area and a vine that leads into the kartai area (there's another way in, but I dunno what it is or if it's climbable).

The easy way to get out of the germish'din area teaches escaping, and as per a recent announcement by Meriel the spiderweb also teaches escaping. And if you've got the required combats and escaping skill to attempt this, I think kartais also provide escaping classes for free.

Foraging is just all over, so there's barely any need to mention that. Ditto for perception as that's included in the foraging learning.

If you have the combats for it, you can work stealth and if applicable Backstab with the blood nymphs of the Forest of Night (dryads and nyads) or the critters mentioned above.

There IS at least one skinnable critter in the area but I'm not sure it's in the 60-80 range. At any rate, I don't think the zombies are so you'll be working around those.

Evasion is easily learnable in any of the hunting grounds, though I'd suggest first trying the dryads/nyads before attempting anything else nearby.

Dunno about the stealing scene as far as shops go, but you could be like Ragran and just target players anyways. Probably won't teach and likely a %100 failure rate, though.

There are SOME boxes available, but I have a feeling most of them will be from the Uberwhack Mansion and thus far outside your 60-80 range limitation.

And, if you intentionally let the nyads/dryads whack on you instead of evading/parrying/shieldblocking all the time you can probably safely get a bleeder to tend. It might take awhile, so if you aren't learning well combatwise from these you may want to briefly brave the wolves/zombies if you can ever get them in small numbers (thus, if they are over your head and likely to stun you it won't last until your death and you can escape).

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Training? on 01/12/2006 08:30 PM CST
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>>>There IS at least one skinnable critter in the area but I'm not sure it's in the 60-80 range.

If you're referring to the bone wolves, yes, they are in that range. Non-scrapeable tails is what you get from them, but they pay better than any skinnable in that range.

And about 15 ranks after the wolves stop teaching you, there's the grave worms in the aforementioned Uberwhacked Mansion grounds.

>>>There are SOME boxes available, but I have a feeling most of them will be from the Uberwhack Mansion and thus far outside your 60-80 range limitation.

Nope. Zombies carry boxes. Difficulty seems to be at a place between reavers and rock trolls.

Amagaim; the player of,

Work pro bono? Listen, I like U2 as much as anybody, but I don't think that guy needs a free plug these days...

--- What a stupid recording industry lawyer would say
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Re: Training? on 01/13/2006 06:25 AM CST
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Leth is Zoluren's Musparii. Lots and lots of potential, very little GM loving. I just hope they get done with P5 S.O.O.N. so some of that wonderful talent can make its way back to the other provinces. In another analogy, P5 is to World Dev what Raise was to Cleric dev.

Ranger Hanryu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Sword of House Calibanor
>I firmly believe that P5 is the worst thing to happen to all the other provinces.
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Re: Training? on 01/13/2006 06:15 PM CST
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>>>There IS at least one skinnable critter in the area but I'm not sure it's in the 60-80 range.

>>If you're referring to the bone wolves, yes, they are in that range. Non-scrapeable tails is what you get from them, but they pay better than any skinnable in that range.

>>And about 15 ranks after the wolves stop teaching you, there's the grave worms in the aforementioned Uberwhacked Mansion grounds.

Also, don't know where they start at, but kartais are still teaching this tert survival bard a little skinning at around 215 in skinning. Not a ton, but enough to have gained a rank in the past couple weeks of dancing for escaping.

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Re: Training? on 01/24/2006 10:56 AM CST
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According to Amagaim's list Leth has the following skinnables, which typically relates to the skill needed/learning for skinning:

Misshapen Germish'din (300-390)
Seordavor Kartais (125-200ish)
Moss Meys (90-135)
grave worms (90-130)
Bone Wolves (45-85)
Cougars (39-51)

So really, going by that list, there's not really a huge of a gap as one may think. You'd start with cougars->bone wolves->grave worms/moss meys->kartais->something elsewhere->germish'din.

Now granted, once you're hitting the 85th rank of blood wolves, they're not going to teach quite the same as the 50th did, but it's possible. An alternative, if you are looking for pelts, gweth someone in Shard to skin you a bundle of garg hides, and rp out a trade agreement.

I remember reading somewhere a post by a gm a long time ago (I'm thinking either Jent or Treveri) that areas are specifically designed so that you can't learn everything all the time there, basically forcing you to get out there and explore a bit, or consider different alternatives.

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