Swimming to Leth? on 03/02/2006 02:47 AM CST
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So I was wondering what people would think of making it possible to swim to leth like it is to swim to riverhaven?

My reasons for thinking this is a good idea:

1.) It would give the leth area a place to learn good swimming, thus attracting populace.

2.) Its already free to get to leth if your a citizen of zoluren all this would be doing is giving people a rather fun choice.

3.) It would allow the more survival oriented amongst the leth inhabitants to navigate their way to crossing without having to wait on the ferry with all the traders.

I can't foresee any real problem with this, but then again we tend to not notice the faults in our own ideas.
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Re: Swimming to Leth? on 03/02/2006 03:09 AM CST
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This has been asked for many times before and we were recently told that it is in the works.

Rev. Reene, player of a few

Niaura asks, "wat happen?"
You say to Niaura, "Someone set you up the bomb."
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Re: Swimming to Leth? on 03/02/2006 03:01 PM CST
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Even more recently, it was confirmed as mostly done and that the targetted release period is mid-year (no further specifics, but I'm taking that to mean anytime between about May to about July.)

Now that Meriel's jinxed the project, however, my guess is that it's not going to happen until at least November. ;)

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
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Re: Swimming to Leth? on 03/03/2006 03:20 AM CST
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Ahh sweet, I read through all the pages of this folder that I could and didn't see it mentioned so I figured I'd ask. It will be nice to be able to swim from riverhaven to crossing then from crossing to leth, and finally climb from leth to shard. Now if only we could swim the oceans heh
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