Possible idea for Muspar'i/Velaka on 06/12/2018 01:02 PM CDT
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Maybe in the sand leech pit or in the pain in the rear shifting desert...I think you would need a lot of athletics, a ton of discipline, agility and reflex to get out of it. Discipline to have the control to not struggle wildly, reflex and agility to know and correct any mistakes you make as you are using athletics to slowly work your way out. If you go under...drowning with a mouthful of sand and whatnot...thats a nasty way to go for sure.

DR: Sok Masticack Dwarven Thief and Musparan Sandrat Extraordinaire
GS4: Croatan Gurhal Dwarven Paladin
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Re: Possible idea for Muspar'i/Velaka on 06/12/2018 03:07 PM CDT
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What's the carrot for going in there? Risk situations like this are great during quests and particular events, and players typically prefer these kinds of things more when they're not impeding general gameplay.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Possible idea for Muspar'i/Velaka on 06/12/2018 03:30 PM CDT
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I don’t need more reasons to hate muspari lol

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Possible idea for Muspar'i/Velaka on 06/12/2018 09:13 PM CDT
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I was on some serious pain killers when I wrote that. It sounded awesome at the time...

on a side note, whats with this rumor Im hearing about westys being replaced by 'dillos?

DR: Sok Masticack Dwarven Thief and Musparan Sandrat Extraordinaire
GS4: Croatan Gurhal Dwarven Paladin
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