Curious about development on 10/17/2017 04:56 AM CDT
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Im curious about something. The gate under the World Dragon Temple, anyone know if there are or ever were any plans on developing something below the temple? AND, anyone know if theres any plans for expanding creature options above and beyond the Hhinvi?

DR: Sok Masticack Dwarven Thief and Musparan Sandrat Extraordinair
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Re: Curious about development on 12/01/2017 06:29 PM CST
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Yes and yes. Maybe.

=GM Jhustis=
Logistics Minion
Muspar'i Guru
S'Kra Mur Champion
Orders Lead

=="The only place you'll find success before work is in the dictionary."==
=Make no mistake between my personality and my attitude.
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.=
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Re: Curious about development on 12/02/2017 01:13 AM CST
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>>Yes and yes. Maybe.

Thank you Jhustis. You Rock!

It also looks like you have a lot on your plate judging from the list under your name so I wont badger with things like when and all that. Just the knowledge that there are plans and maybe on the other works for me.

DR: Sok Masticack Dwarven Thief and Musparan Sandrat Extraordinaire
GS4: Croatan Gurhal Dwarven Paladin
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