Kaerna on 02/25/2010 01:47 AM CST
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I've made this request before, but I may as well try again.

Please add justice mechanics to Kaerna. The Necromancer mini-haven thing is getting ridiculous and it's completely OOC. Tie it to Crossing or something if adding their own guards and whatnot would be too cumbersome (since it is tiny).

Alternatively you should be able to accuse necromancers to Savrin and she should just rage out on them and murder them automatically. That would be pretty cool too.

Rev. Reene

Kssarh says, "She has many talents."
Kssarh says, "Some of which can be discussed in public."
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Re: Kaerna on 02/25/2010 06:42 AM CST
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now you FINALLY know why that little halfling runs out of the building without his tarts. he saw his dead granny! Muwhahahahaha!

the world is broken
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