Re: Dirge History on 06/10/2005 08:32 PM CDT
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That was tried when the leth council was sent there no?
Some places are best left at peace, dirge is one of em.

The O.G.
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Re: Dirge History on 07/30/2005 10:14 AM CDT
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I think the Dirge/Darkstone thing, like Harcourt's Tree, was more of an insider joke to the GMs and players of way back when :)

That said... when bardic recall was put in, I did a few inside jokes myself for the connection, too. I don't recall (no pun intended) anybody ever mentioning it, so I'm not sure anyone's ever found the messaging.

-- yes, every so often I have to let a bit of my past life poke through
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Re: Dirge History on 07/30/2005 03:52 PM CDT
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I think the Dirge/Darkstone thing, like Harcourt's Tree, was more of an insider joke to the GMs and players of way back when :)

That said... when bardic recall was put in, I did a few inside jokes myself for the connection, too. I don't recall (no pun intended) anybody ever mentioning it, so I'm not sure anyone's ever found the messaging.

-- yes, every so often I have to let a bit of my past life poke through <<

That's part of the fun though Meriel. :) The smile I can't help feel spreading when I stumble across those sort of things is good. :)

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Leth Council in Dirge on 07/31/2005 01:12 PM CDT
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Don't get me started on those idiots. They were annoying to us who actually live there.

We had a nice little resistance cell at the start of the Sorrow war slowly whittling down the strength of the Squads and Units stationed there with some really nice tactical teamwork and support. We used the caves and a little known room when fighting and returned to our homes when we finished. There were about 4-6 of us, though usually only 2-4 working together at a time. We were doing pretty well and felt like we were really contributing to the war effort, even though we were beseiged.

Then those Jokers came in, violated Darkensi's terms (No moongates in or out) and he dropped about 12 units on our head and covered almost every room in the town while making the track in practically impassible. The roaming mages and archers made it pretty much impossible to move out of a safe room or home.

And, AFTER they had moongated in, set off Darkensi (who was killing us all right and left in retaliation)and caused all of those units to come in they moongated OUT and left us to deal with the problem. Which, for all practical purposes, at that point we were too weak and depleted to do.

Yeah. Those guys were really great.

The prince should have left them in Leth.

Dirge: Come for the Goat Milk. Stay for the Cheese!
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Dirge thoughts. on 08/08/2005 02:38 AM CDT
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Its been a while since i've really posted any thoughts or suggestions on reconstruction. Its still something i'd like to see happen. But unlike in the past I have come to believe that the town or city (depending on your viewpoint) should retain a harsh and somewhat dark nature. With justice on par with the outcast delt beheadings and such. I plan to try and post ideas and suggestions once in a while.

I had a few thoughts on a town guard type. Not really a complete idea still needs some work but let me know what you think.

A town arbiter
The Arbiter's pale blue eyes are the only discernable features. Ash-colored robes conceal all other aspects of the individual's identity. Charged with carrying out justice within the city its only weapon is a serrated steel scythe.

Recognizing you the arbiter knocks you to your knees with one clean sweep of its scythe. Pain shoots through your legs and you let out cry of anguish.

With scythe raised overhead grimly the arbiter speaks "Ibec Alshaerd for the crime of murder I hear by pronounce the sentence of death." With a fluid movement the arbiter brings down its scythe. Finding its mark the scythe rends your head from your shoulders.

Signaling a passing soldier, the arbiter gestures at your corpse. Nodding the solder rushes up to collect your remains taking them away.

[North Roads, Caravansary]
(insert description)...

Arriving at his destination the soldier drops your corpse on the road. As the soldier turns to walk away he mutters haggardly "Never cross an arbiter."

~the player of Ibec

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge thoughts. on 08/09/2005 12:32 PM CDT
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I've always wanted a garden in Dirge

A dark brown Zoluren marnet glances up at the stars and makes a purring sound of contentment.
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Re: Dirge thoughts. on 08/09/2005 08:33 PM CDT
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Well before we get too far along here I think we need to check the zoning laws.

Dirge: Come for the Goat Milk. Stay for the Cheese!
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Re: Dirge thoughts. on 08/09/2005 10:38 PM CDT
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Always liked the oak grove myself was a nice touch. In any event i'd like to see some changes down the road. I like some of the character of the town. But it could use some sprucing up around the place. Still think it should wind up with mining supplies bidding that system ever sees the light of day. Would also be nice to see some darkstone whiskey sold at the inn. Just a thought.


Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge thoughts. on 08/10/2005 09:05 PM CDT
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Thank you, Ibec.

You know I'm always open to player thoughts. I may not get around to 'em in any sort of timely manner, but I definitely appreciate the effort and ideas that people post.

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Re: Dirge thoughts. on 08/23/2005 08:01 PM CDT
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Your welcome, Oh had another thought actually its been suggested from time to time. Would it be possible to either fix the stables in the darkstone inn to hold horses? If not the inn the ruined stables could stand some refurbishing.
Heh another thing i've always wondered would it be possible to add darkstone whiskey to the menu at the inn? Its kind of like rissian brandy can't find it around riss but can find it on the mainland. Just a thought.

~Ibec Alshaerd

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge thoughts. on 08/23/2005 08:16 PM CDT
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Little late on the reply, but I love the Dirge justice idea, Ibec.
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Re: Dirge thoughts (The Oak Grove) on 08/23/2005 10:39 PM CDT
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Thanks, I think dirge should stay unique. But instead of always being the ruined town it should evolve. Wouldn't mind seeing more added to the Oak Grove. It happens to be the nicest place in town. I'd like to become a diamond shaped area with the stone at the center. Toss in a few benches and some messages to show life. Also i think the rocks leading up should be replaced by steps.

[Dirge, Oak Grove]
A surprising find among the ruin and devastation of this town is this, a fine grove of sturdy oak trees planted in a large circle. A tall outcrop of rock stands between this spot and the worst of the volcano's force in times past and thus it has been spared. Someone still tends this place for the trees are healthy and well-watered. A carpet of thick grass makes a delightful cushion underfoot. Somewhere overhead, a few birds even chirp now and then showing that life still survives. You also see an obsidian that leads down to the town proper.
Obvious exits: Northwest, West, Southwest.

[Dirge, Standing Stone]
Here, in the center of the circle of oaks is a large standing stone. Made of a crystal-flecked granite, it rises some four feet and is shaped like a rough pillar. The stone is unworked save that the crown has been hollowed into a smooth circular basin.
Obvious exits: North, South, East, West.

[Dirge, Oak Grove North]
Vibrant flowers of varying colors and sizes surround you filling the air with their sweet scent. A granite formation juts toward the sky shielding the grove from the ravages of the Greater Fist. A statue of black marble stands at the base of the outcrop.
Obvious exits: Southeast, Southwest, South.

[Dirge, Oak Grove East]
Several townsfolk rest under the trees conversing about the days events. Despite their predicament in life they seem at ease in the shade. Children dart from tree to tree playing a near unending game of sharks and guppies. You also see an obsidian bench.
Obvious exits: Northeast, Southeast, East.

[Dirge, Oak Grove South]
A granite wall has been erected to obscure the bleak landscape below. Occationally you see sparrows dart from tree to tree. Nearby a young couple rests on a bench exchanging uneasy glances as they pass the time. You also see a wary sentry.
Obvious exits: Northwest, Northeast, North.

Look sentry: A voleenter from the local citizenry; he intends to protect those in the grove from would-be attackers.
His faded uniform is a relic from a bygone era when the town had a militia. He idly thumbs at his worn rosewood crossbow as he gazes around the grove.
(kind of like the guards in the crossing bazaar. If you get caught doing something wrong he tosses you out.)

Thats the basic idea it still needs some work. The first two rooms listed are pretty much unchanged. The grove is the nicest part of town and should be expanded upon. Just a thought.

~Ibec Alshaerd of Zoluren

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Dirge thoughts: Incomplete shops. on 08/24/2005 01:00 AM CDT
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There are at least two shops in dirge that could use some looking into... Ga'Run's Locks and Keys and the Alchemist Shop. Both have been incomplete for years it would be nice to see stocks added. The lady in the alchemist shop could stand being put out to pasture as well. Could have some contest to come up with a replacement for the alchemist. In any event would be nice to see some generic catalogs. Also it would be nice to see an autopuff added to the region. There is alot of hunting in the area but not really any empaths. It kind of stinks to have to run back to crossing up to haven for aid. Maybe the healer's cave could be spruced up. Just a thought.

~Ibec Alshaerd

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge thoughts: Incomplete shops. on 08/24/2005 08:54 AM CDT
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Would be nice to finally replace the missing Timothy and burnt-out Sicle grove Healerie he ran. Dirge sounds like a fine alternative location. Great Idea.


Some thoughtful soul has marked the surface of the lock with a drawing of several very happy looking stick figures.
A tasia corsair says, "Well I was hoping to wait for a cleric first but if you watch my stuff I'll depart. Thanks."
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Re: Dirge thoughts: Incomplete shops. on 08/24/2005 04:10 PM CDT
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Nearly forgot about the mystery shop that can't be entered.

[Dirge, Merchant's Row East]
East of the town's main crossroads, the lane passes along the narrow, windowless flank of the Darkstone Inn. A shop with heavily curtained windows stands to the north, while farther east, you can hear the whinnying of horses.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Not sure what could go there how about a gem buyer, tobacco shop, or oddity kind of shop? This is something i've tossed together as a suggestion.

[Dirge, Jona's Odds and Ends]
Thick scarlet curtains conceal dreary streets of the town outside. An older human man sits behind a scarred walnut counter carefully studying a tattered news scroll. A bottle of whiskey along a note has been placed on the counter. Coal-black shelves line the walls baring wares of varying size and quality. A shaggy haired dog lays before the fireplace intently watching those few who come and go.
Obvious Exits: Out.

Read note on counter: ?For those with dry throats.?

Look man: Unlike Ironhill at the West End of the row, this man has a surprising pleasant demeanor. Though somewhat faded his cloths are well kept. Noticing you Jona smiles and gives you a hearty handshake.

Look dog: Upon closer inspection you realize that she is a north Zoluren wolfhound. A layer of ash masks the true color of her coat. Though quite friendly in nature she seems somewhat tense as if ready to spring into action.

Pet dog: You see: You reach out and pet the dog kicking up a cloud of ash in the process.
Someone else sees: Ibec pets the dog clouds of ash billow from the animal's coat.

Scratch dog: As you scratch the dog one of her hind legs flails uncontrollably.
Ibec scratches the dog causing her hind leg to flail uncontrollably.

Look on shelves: on the shelves you see a note, a tattered black shroud with cracked bone toggles, A worn leather longcoat with corroded steel clasps, an ash-stained haversack with a fire-gilded steel clasp, an ash-stained armor pack reinforced with rusting steel rivets, a pair of worn leather boots with silver rivets, an ashen black cloak with a worn silver clasp, and a scarred leather scabbard with darkened steel reinforcements.

Read note on shelves: ?What is seen here was recovered after years of excavating in the local ruins.?

Look on counter: on the counter you see a bottle of whiskey, a note, and a worn rosewood cigar box (would have a few cheap cigars for sale or something).

In any event it would be nice to see the shops worked on and some fluffing out done. Would be neat to have a design a shop contest or something. Just a thought.

~Ibec Alshaerd

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Dirge: Have hunting need Autopuff on 08/27/2005 01:44 AM CDT
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Well i'm gonna keep after this general subject. Could someone please look into putting a new autopath back in the region? Alot of hunting areas and no where to get a decent healing since sicle grove was lost. If any change comes in Dirge that would be the most important and useful. Just a thought.


Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge: Have hunting need Autopuff on 08/27/2005 06:58 PM CDT
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Unfortunately, the loss of the autopath in Dirge was the first part of a gamewide conspiracy to reove all NPC empaths. Why it was decided that this is a good game development philosophy, I am not sure. Currently, however, there is a moritorium on making new NPC empaths and no prohibition on removing existing NPC empaths. I do not agree with this decision, but I am just a player and have no say in the matter.

That's my little rant.
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Re: Dirge: Have hunting need Autopuff on 08/28/2005 12:16 AM CDT
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In this case i think the moratorium should be temporarily lifted. It is a case where it could be useful for those hunting in the area. It could also make for a nice event overall.

Ultimately I think it would be good for empaths and the hunting areas. Autopuff=Hunters=more empaths. I consider that to be at the top of my list of things that is needed. Its not really unbalancing for the region considering the nearest healer is in riverhaven or crossing most times. If your seriously wounded or have no wish to make long trips either way is inconvienient.

On another note new hunting areas and critters would be really nice with an eye for some higher end stuff. Will scavanger trolls ever be returning to the gorbesh fort??? Just a thought.

~Ibec Alshaerd of Dirge

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Dirge in General on 08/31/2005 07:40 PM CDT
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Lots of work needed here.
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Re: Dirge in General on 09/01/2005 01:04 PM CDT
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Agreed. Personally, I think it could be a wealth of events and RP for a long time just on the basis of change. There are alot of potential directions it can go. Still think it would be neat to see some gambling added to the town. I'm working on a couple more concepts at the moment hope to have them ready for posting soon. Just a thought.

~Ibec Alshaerd

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge in General on 09/19/2005 07:42 AM CDT
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Is there even any justice system for Dirge?


Bar maids and beauties
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Re: Dirge in General on 09/19/2005 10:57 AM CDT
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yes, there is. try pilfering something from the local store there.

its quite ... unpleasant.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Dirge in General on 09/19/2005 10:58 AM CDT
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Nietzschean justice.

It's regretful that the most common type of person in this world is someone small, in a big chair.
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Re: Dirge in General on 09/19/2005 08:33 PM CDT
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Personally i'd like to see the gallows up and running. Hang em high.

~Ibec Alshaerd

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Re: Dirge in General on 09/21/2005 06:02 AM CDT
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beating the snot out of you, then taking a random item from your inventory is worse than hanging.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Dirge History on 09/25/2005 03:09 AM CDT
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>>>That said... when bardic recall was put in, I did a few inside jokes myself for the connection, too. I don't recall (no pun intended) anybody ever mentioning it, so I'm not sure anyone's ever found the messaging.

Waidaminnit... There are Recall messages in Dirge?!?

(logs in his Bard and scarpers northward)

Yay! More things to discover!

Amagaim; the player of,

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
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Re: Dirge History on 09/25/2005 02:09 PM CDT
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<<Waidaminnit... There are Recall messages in Dirge?!?

That was my exact thought, haha, I sooo didn't find anything, but I didn't look under every rock... drop a note if you do happen to find something please! :)

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Re: Dirge History on 09/26/2005 02:16 AM CDT
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>>>drop a note if you do happen to find something please! :)

Nope. Nothing. And I'm fairly certain I got a vast majority of the city (including the corpse grub caves, thank you very much) in my search, even getting a good look at the corpse on Gibbet Hill (Methinks there be a story there to tell, hinthint.) and those odd black flowers behind the Crematorium, not to mention an almost good drink at the private bar. Oh, and the barracks could really use a spit-shine. 'Cause now all it's got is spit.

And not a Recall in sight.

Meriel, did you deactivate those Recall spots or something? Or did I seriously miss something obvious.

Amagaim; the player of,

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
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Wishlist 2006: Dirge Addition on 12/03/2005 07:18 PM CST
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-New town gate
-Renovations to the barracks
-Proper Trading post and horse stables
-Reconstruction donation boxes etc.
-Completion of the incomplete shops (locksmith/alchemist)
-Putting something in the locked shop
-New hunting and areas to explore in the area
-Addition of excavation sites around the area

Hartley's First Law: You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to float on his back, you've got something.
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Re: Wishlist 2006: Dirge Addition on 12/04/2005 07:50 PM CST
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I second these proposals.

I'd also add in a building to house the Chamber of Commerce.

And it sure would be nice to have an roaming NPC that randomly distributed plats and quest prizes to the people that own homes in Dirge.

::Whistles innocently::

What happens in Dirge, stays in Dirge.

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Re: Wishlist 2006: Dirge Addition on 12/05/2005 12:27 PM CST
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Actually a couple wandering NPCs would be nice.
Oh and alittle fleshing out of the oak grove.
Also alittle more development of the area's history recent and ancient from the events at Gibbet hill (the hanging guy with the crown in particular) to Darkstone.
Now a chamber of commerce would be nice (as well as a proper trading post).
Oh and Darkstone whiskey for sale at the Darkstone inn.

Just a thought.

Kssarh sings:

"Oh Nobleman, your Daughter will swoon
When she gets a look at my full moon!
It's quite a nice tool
When my moon is so full
And her curse, it will surely end soon!"
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Come to Dirge for the Holidays! on 12/30/2005 08:04 PM CST
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We just put out the Holiday Ash!

What happens in Dirge, stays in Dirge.

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Re: Come to Dirge for the Holidays! on 12/30/2005 08:36 PM CST
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How many 'Togs did you have to toss into the volcano?

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Come to Dirge for the Holidays! on 12/30/2005 10:59 PM CST
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Nothing like getting a piece of ash in Dirge for the holidays. Heh.

Gladiator Maulem~

"The truth is that ineffective, unfocused violence leads to more death. However fully thought through, well executed violence never leads to more violence because afterwards, the other guys are all dead." ~Ternith
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Question about the Dirge area. on 09/11/2006 05:42 AM CDT
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So who is in charge of the Dirge area now adays? Was thinking about coming up with some new suggestions. Been a while since i've pestered anyone about the place.

-Ibec Alshaerd
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Dirge Asylum? on 07/20/2009 09:03 AM CDT
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Wasn't there, or isn't there an asylum of some such that all these madmen came from? Thought I remembered hearing about something like that but can't seem to find any reference to it in game. Any help?

Necromancers use Thanatology, which is...Angry Empathy? Sorcerous magic? Puppies? --Armifer
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Re: Dirge Asylum? on 08/09/2009 06:25 PM CDT
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Nope. They're just your normal Crossing citizens that came north a bit and got lost.

-=Dirge. You gotta lava it.=-

"Traders do not shriek like little girls and worry about magic cooties." GM Armifer
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Dirge Shaman on 10/21/2010 05:12 PM CDT
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The Dirge Somber Shaman has gone missing. Last seen around the time Elyahaar's blessing and the invasions began. It is believed he is in hiding due to the remote location of Dirge. If someone know's his whereabouts, could you please inform him it is perfectly safe for him to return to Dirge and to please come back, us Cleric's miss his blocks and primers and stuff.

Also, we are offering a 20 plat reward for his corpse if he has died.


Concerned Member's of the Society of the Crossing Cleric's Guild
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