Kaerna scene on 03/12/2008 12:46 PM CDT
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So are there any active Kaerna citizens about? I ask because I'm trying to find my latest paladin character a home to be a protector of, and I'm looking for something in Zoluren that's not too terribly hard to get to (I'd like somewhere that does have people wandering through it), and something that wouldn't be that unfeasible to "protect" (i.e. where I could wander the hunting grounds fairly quickly. A rock troll can and will die to a 15th circle paladin [albeit a very prepared 15th circle paladin] and it just gets easier after that).

I'd like it to be racially appropriate as well. Cresciendo is a human, so Arthe Dale is mostly out. Mostly.

Dirge isn't my kind of scene, and anyways, Ibec's got that one pretty well nailed down, doesn't he?

So, Kaerna seems to be the best bet (other suggestions are welcomed). So, is there an active rp scene in Kaerna?
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Re: Kaerna scene on 03/12/2008 03:40 PM CDT
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Wolf Clan is also inhabited mainly by humans, there are cougars and ogres in the surrounding area.




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Re: Kaerna scene on 03/12/2008 04:07 PM CDT
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If you manage to catch Sapphyr in-game he RPs as being basically raised by Savrin in Kaerna.

Rev. Reene

John: Boys, petty theft, assault, battery, breaking and entering, assault with a deadly computer peripheral, misdemeanor vandalism and loitering.
John: And those are just the things I think you did this weekend.
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