More new title stuff. on 06/19/2004 03:58 PM CDT
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I seem to still have a debt, and I've not got any title like I'm supposed to, either. I assisted, but that didn't turn up anything and I was told to post here about it.

Toulom is the one with the issue, to be precise. If there's anything I'm missing or need to do, I apologize in advance.

Toulom Aeslinroth &co.

"Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for a while
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past"
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Re: More new title stuff. on 06/19/2004 05:43 PM CDT
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The clerk says, "If that's what you want to do, just CANCEL again and you'll no longer be a member of our fine land. Remember though that there will be a fee of 9000 coins for the service and if you want to apply for citizenship somewhere else you will have to wait 30 days."
The clerk runs a line through your name and says, "Ok Gromnir, you are no longer a citizen of the Ferdahl. There was a fee of 9000 coins added to your debt. Hope you know what you're doing."
The clerk says, "It looks like it hasn't been that long since you were a citizen somewhere else. This is a serious decision. Perhaps you should think longer before joining again."

Is this how it should be? Why is the Outcast government charging me for renouncing the old dead Ferdahl? :P Also, why is there a timer for this? Rejoining in Shard?


Better to try to outlive an Elf than to change a Dwarf's mind.
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Re: More new title stuff. on 06/19/2004 06:43 PM CDT
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>Also, why is there a timer for this? Rejoining in Shard?

Yeah, I'd like to know why too.

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Re: More new title stuff. on 06/20/2004 12:47 PM CDT
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Just thought I'd let ya know that the new titles for old citizens aren't automatically granted... perhaps because my stored slots were already full (none of which were "of Ilithi", even though I have been a citizen for a long time)? That traitorous clerk obviously works for the Outcasts now and wasn't any help. With assistance from GMs Kuurse and Risek (thanks again!) and a lot of wrangling with a recalcitrant badge, I finally have my new "old" title.. yay!

One thing I'd like to add though.. both titles ("Subject of the Ferdahl" and "Citizen of Shard") are a bit grammatically awkward when displayed.. think ya can adjust from the current "Lieutenant Kyrrian Sarantin Subject of the Ferdahl, an Elven Ranger" to display "Lieutenant Kyrrian Sarantin, Subject of the Ferdahl, an Elven Ranger"? Ya could go with somthing as simple as changing the titles to things like ", Subject of the Ferdahl" :)

Would be convenient to have a standard in place for future titles that don't begin with prepositions or articles also (like "Slayer of the Great Wyrm" :D)

I do kinda miss the "of Ilithi" title tho.. no matter who rules, the lands are always my home :)

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Re: More new title stuff. on 06/20/2004 12:49 PM CDT
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>I do kinda miss the "of Ilithi" title tho.. no matter who rules

I would of preferred that one myself

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