Sutler's Wagon on 06/14/2004 08:01 PM CDT
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Just have to say these are pretty neat, but as it's night I can't test them out. :P I hope they give the orlogs a run for their money.

Thanks. :)


Better to try to outlive an Elf than to change a Dwarf's mind.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 03:05 AM CDT
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Okay, uh... where is this? Any hints?

Player of Raydell, among many others.

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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 03:06 AM CDT
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The Dark Hand, up past steeds.

-The Nihilist
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 03:07 AM CDT
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Player of Raydell, among many others.

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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 09:45 AM CDT
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FYI, it's not the Dark Hand, we haven't even seen it yet. the Hand is further to the south, past the DMZ known as the Lost Grounds. Rumor has it we may actually get to see the Hand itself some day, but we aren't there yet. The wagon is over to the west side of the canyon area, just before you get to Corik's Wall.

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
"Call me Snake."
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 11:14 AM CDT
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I need to run All the way back to Haven to get enough coin (I was traveling light) so I can get some stuff here, I never knew such nifty stuff was even in the Realms...

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 12:48 PM CDT
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Bah, okay, fine.. it's below and mildly south of Shadow Clan. ;)

-The Nihilist
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 12:55 PM CDT
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Just check Ranik's maps.

Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 01:19 PM CDT
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We haven't seen Shadow Clan yet either, I'm looking forward to that. Shadow Clan is actually in the Hand, fighting its progeny on their own ground. Which is why some at the Wall talk badly of them, they feel the Clan may have forgotten what they were fighting for and become what they once fought against.

The group at the Wall itself are the Emerald Knights, not Shadow Clan, though Shadow Clan is made of those who were once Emerald Knights (if they aren't still), if I understand it right.

I get your meaning and not trying to be a pain, honest. It's just this is how misinformation gets spread and people learn it wrong.

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
"Call me Snake."
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 01:35 PM CDT
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So if that village at the top of all the trails isn't Shadow Clan, what is it?

-The Nihilist
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 03:30 PM CDT
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Anyone willing to post these new items? or is it an IG secret?

In the end all things return to Chaos
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 04:06 PM CDT
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We gots sundails (tell the time...but when you put them away, they get messed up and you gotta fidget with them. Around a plat or two. Compasses. A little cooler. Several types. Again, a plat or two. And some weapons.

Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 04:09 PM CDT
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just take the hike down to the area, there are alot of nifty items.....

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 04:09 PM CDT
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As well as boots, song scrolls, tabards, combs, brushes, clippers, and razors.

-The Nihilist
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/15/2004 04:12 PM CDT
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Thanks Mytherceria

In the end all things return to Chaos
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 01:44 AM CDT
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How do you use the Sundials? are they magical? also to the GMs I love the items in this place, The verbs on the Compass and Sundials are SOOOOO nice and fun, I'll be playing with these for ages......

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 02:10 AM CDT
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also do the passages about time is money time heals all wounds and the learnign one have any meaning.... these are what spawned the are they magical question in my previous post, also do the compasses have any use? they all seem to be broken...... they almost never point north..... and mine keeps pointing thataway..... what are they used for? anything besides fluff? I'm content with them as fluff just wondering if they have a greater purpose.

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 07:57 AM CDT
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They're not magical. Each time you read the sundail, you need to reset it. And you can only use it outside and during a clear day. ^.^; Not completely useful, but I still think they're fun!

Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 11:24 AM CDT
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when I try to read mine it says it is The sundial is oriented incorrectly and the reading is meaningless. what do I do about this?

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 11:31 AM CDT
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>>when I try to read mine it says it is The sundial is oriented incorrectly and the reading is meaningless. what do I do about this?

Me too. No matter which hole I try or how many spins and turn per hole I do, all I get is that its oriented incorrectly.

~ Ithlia peers out from a pale blue moonbeam's window. ~
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 03:57 PM CDT
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You need to keep going and read it after each time. That's the only way to do it. When you buy it, it's fine. After each reading you should only have to do a slight adjustment. If you fiddled first...well good luck.

Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 07:36 PM CDT
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When tyrants tremble in their fear
and hear their death knell ringing,
when friends rejoice both far and near
how can I keep from singing?

Enyya, 'How Can I Keep From Singing'
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 10:16 PM CDT
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Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 10:28 PM CDT
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I fiddled first..... there should be a sign that warns...... anyone know how to fix it? or can a GM fix mine? I've been going for about 3 hours now trying to fix it and, well it's not working......

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 10:38 PM CDT
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Well as it was night when they went on sale, and there was no sign saying "Don't Fiddle First!". So it was an easy thing to do. I'm tempted to buy a new one and start over. :-\

~ Ithlia peers out from a pale blue moonbeam's window. ~
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/16/2004 10:50 PM CDT
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Ok so I bought a new one. No fiddling this time

>read sun
"Time is money - spend it wisely."
The shadow on the sundial indicates that it is about the Anlas of Hodierna's Blessing.
>read sun
"Time is money - spend it wisely."
After moving, it's hard to tell what direction the sundial is pointing.
>read sun
"Time is money - spend it wisely."
The sundial is oriented incorrectly and the reading is meaningless.

Apprently just reading it messes it up. So I dunno.

~ Ithlia peers out from a pale blue moonbeam's window. ~
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/17/2004 02:24 AM CDT
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Legends 5.0 was a text-based game that I played and worked on back when the BBSs where very big. It was a lot like Dragonrealms in some ways, maybe more like Eaxia.

It was a lot of fun to level and kill other players, go on mini-quests and just generally goof off.

When tyrants tremble in their fear
and hear their death knell ringing,
when friends rejoice both far and near
how can I keep from singing?

Enyya, 'How Can I Keep From Singing'
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/17/2004 08:31 AM CDT
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Yes. After you read it, you need to make a slight adjustment. Kinda...well...icky.

Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/17/2004 08:47 AM CDT
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Well after much 'turning' I finally got to where it said the string was not set up right. So after more pushing and pulling I finally got it to tell the time! Woot!

Before I bought the second one I had no idea each operated differently. Anyway they are a challange and I love the verbs. Nice little addition,.

~ Ithlia peers out from a pale blue moonbeam's window. ~
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/17/2004 11:08 AM CDT
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I like the compasses much better. Sure, they never tell you which was to go, but the verbs are great.

Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/17/2004 03:16 PM CDT
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anyone have a full list of verbs that work for the compasses and Sundials?

Roughneck Deagar
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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/20/2004 02:06 PM CDT
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>>anyone have a full list of verbs that work for the compasses and Sundials?

No idea if they're complete.. but I'll list what I know so far:

(For brevity's sake I'm not going to repeat the inscription for each read)

An onyx-inlaid bone sundial - "Time heals all wounds.":

A strand of moonsilk is threaded through a slender onyx backplate fastened with tiny hinges to a matching twelve-pointed star inlaid into the bone dial.
The sundial's string is strung through the second hole on the upright backplate.
You can see that your sundial is oriented to the north.
(Note - They always seem to be oriented north.)
There appears to be something written on it.

Read (aligned) - The shadow on the sundial indicates that it is approaching the Anlas of Meraud's Cloak.
Read (unaligned) - The sundial is oriented incorrectly and the reading is meaningless.
Read (wrong hole) - The sundial's string is set at the wrong angle, rendering it useless.
Turn (aligned) - You can easily tell that the sundial is still aligned north.
Turn (unaligned) - It is a simple matter for you to determine which way is north and turn the sundial so that it is pointing in that direction.
Pull - You pull the string out of the hole and thread it through the next lowest one on the backplate.
Push - You pull the string out of the hole and push it through the next highest one.
(Note - There are 10 holes)
Nudge - You nudge your sundial slightly to the left.
(Note - Misaligns the compass slightly. Once is enough to get the "unaligned" TURN, but it takes 6 nudges to misalign it enough to get the "unaligned" READ.)
Tap - You tap the backplate of your sundial, idly swinging it back and forth as you consider matters.
Rub - You flick the string of your sundial idly and are rewarded with a slight twang as it snaps back into place.
Touch - You touch your sundial, reassured by the reminder that this too shall pass.
Lick - You purse your lips as you study your sundial with a scholarly air.

A carved oak sundial - "Tough people outlast tough times.":

A polished bone style rises from the center of a twelve-pointed star carved into the center of the oak dial.
The sundial's style is tilted at a fairly steep angle.
You can see that your sundial is oriented to the north.
There appears to be something written on it.

Pull - You pull your sundial's style away from the dial slightly.
Push - You push your sundial's style towards the dial slightly.
(Note - there are 20 angle settings.)
Tap - You tap your fingers impatiently against the dial of your sundial, barely stifling a long suffering sigh.
Rub - You run your fingers along your sundial's style absentmindedly, reflecting upon the mysterious and inexorable nature of time.

Read, Turn, Nudge, Touch and Lick are the same as above.

An etched mahogany sundial - "Time teaches all things.":

A carved style rises from the twelve-pointed star etched into the center of the polished mahogany dial.
The sundial's style is tilted at a fairly steep angle.
You can see that your sundial is oriented to the north.
There appears to be something written on it.

Otherwise identical to the oak sundial.

Rotating stock.. I ran out of money so I don't have details on these others yet:

A copperleaf-inlaid teak sundial - "Time is money - spend it wisely."
Brilliant copperleaf inlay forms a twelve-pointed star on the teak dial from which rises a polished gold style fastened with tiny hinges.

A gold-trimmed ebony sundial - "Time lost is never again found."
A strand of nightsilk is threaded through a gold backplate fastened with tiny hinges to a matching twelve-pointed star on the face of the ebony dial.

Judging by the look they appear to be similar to the three I have, but I'll post an update when I get my hands on them. If anyone would like to trade/buy (at a 10% discount) these (or others, should they appear on the table) for the oak/mahogany/bone ones I've purchased so far, gweth for me around Shard or AIM DRKyrrian :)

Compass: Tap, Turn, Shake, Clean..

If anyone knows of other verbs, I'd be happy to hear of them too.

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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/24/2004 06:16 PM CDT
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The sundials sound awesome, thanks Ghisel.

Are the compasses the same as those that were in the store when it was released, or are there new ones available?

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Re: Sutler's Wagon on 06/25/2004 01:27 AM CDT
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>>Are the compasses the same as those that were in the store when it was released, or are there new ones available?

I haven't seen any new ones.. I think the new sundial stock just attracted customers that may not have been aware of the compasses or hadn't found the time to come check them out.

I'm still waiting on that new batch of orlogs... hawks and falcons and kestrels are fine, but just once in a while ya like ta see an exquisite eagle engraving ;)

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