Riverhaven on 04/15/2007 12:13 AM CDT
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I have to say that I've been deeply impressed by the citizenry of Riverhaven. My main character has avoided it for years for personal reasons, so I've never really had a chance to meet many of the people who make their homes there.

I'm sure there are a few bad apples (as there are in every city...) but everyone I've met thus far has been extremely helpful and friendly.

It's a lot harder starting up a new character than I remember it being (what, no ilmenite tipped wands in wildland goblins???), but Riverhaven has made the arduous first few ranks, the beatings, the inevitable deaths... (the getting stuck at the bottom of the slippery dockside ladder due to being too wounded to climb back up it and having to gain three ranks before being able to climb out again... the getting lost in the UnderWharfs... etc...) ... a lot more fun. The Empaths especially have been really kind to my broke, perpetually beat up newbie.

So thank you!
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Re: Riverhaven on 04/15/2007 08:27 AM CDT
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Haven is dead to me :(

-Galren Moonskin

Messenger Boy: The Thessalonian you're fighting... he's the biggest man I've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him.
Achilles: Thats why no-one will remember your name.
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Re: Riverhaven on 04/15/2007 08:18 PM CDT
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Haven has always been my favorite town in the game.
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Re: Riverhaven on 04/15/2007 09:19 PM CDT
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Hey, I think you have the only avatar besides Solo's that is animated.

Aveda's Field Guide
Hot hot hot scripts, Antique P5 maps, a macro tutorial, skill & stat training advice, and plenty of Bardly goodness.
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Re: Riverhaven on 05/01/2007 06:35 PM CDT
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Would you know my name...

...if I saw you in Haven...
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Re: Riverhaven on 05/07/2007 06:22 PM CDT
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And she's buying a stairway...

... to Haven


SEND[Solomon] Change your forums signature please?

[Jenealle] "The wedding was very emotional. Even the cake was in tiers."
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Re: Riverhaven on 05/07/2007 11:43 PM CDT
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Sticking with the music theme I have to say I miss the "Glory Days" of Riverhaven.

Oh Lou my love..

XXXX signs, "I got a huge wedgie but I'm embarassed to pick it"

XXXX says, "Whos mark is this? Your sabre is a little awkward, but usable."
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Re: Riverhaven on 05/08/2007 01:10 AM CDT
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>>And she's buying a stairway...to haven.

Dude, no stairway.
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Re: Riverhaven on 05/08/2007 05:07 AM CDT
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You know it's time to end the party when some idiot picks up a guitar and starts singing "Desparado."

Makes you want to pull a Belushi on 'em.

-=Dirge. We've got vaults, a bank, a temple, and we're working on a dock!=-
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Additions to Riverhaven on 06/04/2007 01:13 PM CDT
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I'm glad you guys like the fishmonger - yes, he's a bit more streetwise than Sir Robyn, so he's more likely to spot the pocket foraging.

I haven't posted for a while, so figured I'd let you know some of the other things on my plan list for Riverhaven:

- Jewelry store (semi-custom jewelry, similar to Eorie in Rossman's)
- More cards for the card shop, as well as other paper products
- Adventurer's garb (think Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo, then dial it back to the point where I won't get that mom-like look thinking of my daughter wearing it :)

No plans for a blackboard to record record fish, I'm afraid, but I may be able to get the fishmonger to carry some bait and other supplies. You'll have to have your own pole if I do that, though.

No time estimate on when this will be done, though, so don't get too antsy. The card shop is in QC, the other shops are in the design stage, so they'll be a while. I just wanted to say hullo, and give you a heads up on some of the things being planned.

-Linda / Danalae
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/04/2007 07:18 PM CDT
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- Jewelry store (semi-custom jewelry, similar to Eorie in Rossman's)

YAAAAY! No more running to Crossing every time I need stuff for enchanting!

Want to feel pretty, oh so pretty?
Character customization through shifts, alterations, and custom enchantments!
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/05/2007 08:09 PM CDT
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- custom jewelry store...
Don't suppose it could be actually linked, in, the gem buyer shop.

- artificer/Lockshop

This has always been contentious, could we get one of the pair turned into something other than a 'shop'? Maybe the artificer could become an abode or a building or an enclave and leave the lock shop a lock shop?

Could we maybe get a few more basic bottom line items in both shops?

Namely, blanks in the lockshop (maybe not listed but definitely availible)

Arm/tail bands set with cambrinth in the artificiers?

Carving impliments in either, with advanced carving tools released when advanced carving is released.

Carving knifebasic stats
Plain tailband6 mana max
plain armband8 mana max
chisslethrowing dagger stats
hammerlight blunt stats
assorted charmsassorted spells
cogstoy/tool supply
sprocketstoy/tool supply
awldagger stats
stampstoy/tool supply(chissle)

blanksask shopkeeper
ankle sheathbasic
grabber kicktool
flint brushtool
Kit rolltool kit
cloth gloves armor
fingerless gloves1 lockpick pocket

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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/07/2007 08:19 PM CDT
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re: custom jewelry shop, no, the gemsmith doesn't own the jewelry shop. Not nearly enough sense of style. -snickers-

re: artificer & locksmith shop, they're easily entered by typing "go art shop" or "go ord shop" - no plans to change them.

re: expanded inventories, I'll think about that and talk to the teams which own each shop (magic team for artificer, so no carving knives there, and the thief team for the lockpick shop) to see what they think.

-Linda / Danalae
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/08/2007 02:57 PM CDT
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The new fish monger seems to have gotten stuck, and doesn't move around any more. He is located at the gate to the estate holders mansion, and has been panhandling to support his origami habbit.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/08/2007 04:08 PM CDT
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LOL. Shhh, he's trying to kick his origami addiction. I'll take a look at him tonight, and we'll start that twelve step program. Let's see, twelve steps should get him to the Halfling quarter, at the very least.

-Linda / Danalae
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/08/2007 06:37 PM CDT
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Trade the origami addiction for an addiction to taffleberry rum-punch? ;)

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 06/08/2007 07:37 PM CDT
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Whatcha mean no carving knives?

We already get carving knives in the wm shops, and other weapons.

But I was thinking more along artifact carving tools, ala press stamps(a chisel with a shaped edge) and regular chisels.
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Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 03:15 PM CDT
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My commoner went to haven to hunt boars, and was completely blocked from the area by the voice of eylhaar. From assisting speaking to a game master it was his impression that the area supposed to be blocked off is only the swamp troll or clerical quest area, not the area with boars.

Can someone please look at the area, as my commoner is ready to fight them weapon/defense-wise, but cannot get into the area.

The room in question is the following:

[Northeast Wilds, Deer Trail]
The narrow trail is barely discernible as it twists through the dense scrub. Every bend and crook has some purpose known only to the instincts of the animals that forged the path. Nearby bladebrush fronds bristle menacingly, keeping animals and adventurers at bay.
Obvious paths: north, southeast.

the messaging I get when i try to enter is this:
You halt in your tracks as a shadow passes over your vision. A cold silken whisper tells you, "Eylhaar am I. Heed this warning, for given lightly it is not. Lead you to Myself this path would before the appointed time. Return you may when such an inexperienced kitten you are not."

If I try to sneak in i get this :

sneak se

Your efforts at stealth are ruined by your involuntary yelp as an emotionless voice whispers, "Slink by Eylhaar you cannot."

it also involuntarily unhides me.

I HAVE taken commoners to this area to hunt in TF.

Thank you.

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 03:20 PM CDT
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I'll try it when I get home. Hadn't really noticed that but I have guilded and unguilded up there to check from another player perspective.

Asbhuan et al
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 03:24 PM CDT
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I'll take a look when I get home. I seem to remember it letting me go in if I had favors, even if I was young, but it's been a long time.

-Linda / Danalae
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 03:25 PM CDT
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You seek Eylhaar! Take you to him I will! MMMMM!

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 03:56 PM CDT
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It has to do with either ranks or favors. It's a mechanic that was placed in the area waaaaay back to keep fresh faced newbies from stumbling into the area and getting killed by swamp trolls or dyrachis.

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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 04:37 PM CDT
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*the problem is, it is blocking the boar area. not only the trolls, which i know not to pass the pierwalk anyway, and the drychis can only be accesses by going to a certain place and following the voice. I KNOW not to do that. :-) i just wanna hunt boars. they're really the next critter on the hunting scale, swarm halfway decent, and teach well.

Besides which, you can run down as a newbie to the adan'f area and collect armor, or at least you used to be able to do so, or run into a mammoth in an invasion.... even in plat... :-)

so if they want to change the voice ... if you want to proceed, then type YES, if not, go back...

or something. just let me have the option. I just wanna fight some boars.

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 05:38 PM CDT
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That mechanic predates the dryachis and the swamp things, actually. I remember it from when there were just boars and sluaghs and boobries, before resurrection existed.

-Linda / Danalae
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/19/2007 09:16 PM CDT
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I believe it was implemented as a similar barrier as the Barrier to rock trolls in Kaerna. Younger players or lower circles simply would not be allowed to get into the area. This was to prevent them from going off and getting themselves killed.
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/20/2007 06:40 AM CDT
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theres a work-around for rock trolls though, with sufficient climbing ranks you can get into the area, even as a commoner.

I did find a couple ways to get into there.

1. moongate. not always feasible because theres not always a MM awake or in the same province << Active Players: 14 >>
2. have another character drag me in. <can't just go in a group, gotta be dragged>. which is really silly, because the character that can go in there is an empath that can't dance with them yet.

anyway, can the barrier be changed to admit commoners with favors? <i got some to see if it made a difference - it didn't. even though a commoner gets 6 free "departs".

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/20/2007 03:40 PM CDT
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>>even though a commoner gets 6 free "departs".

::snaps his fingers::that's what we need, gingko biloba (pretty please with a queen ann cherry on top, Razah?). Oh, and it's 5 departs. Without favors, #6 will dump you back into the character manager. It's a nice, evil way to get rid of mules who started becoming useful.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/22/2007 07:15 AM CDT
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It's not only in plat.

It's a level requirement, appearently some gm decided way back when to place it just south of the best spot for lavender.

It doesn't check skills or favors.

It only checks level ? 5 ?

This opinion brought to you by soylent green. Results will very from person to person.
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Re: Problem in Plat - Boar hunting area east of Riverhaven on 06/22/2007 05:26 PM CDT
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Additionally, there is a random chance of a soul hit as you pass through, even if you're well above the level it's checking for.

Proposal: Remove this soul hit all together.

War Hawk Maulem~

Read the Barbarian Seven!
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Re: Additions to Riverhaven on 12/06/2007 06:35 PM CST
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I haven't posted for a while, so figured I'd let you know some of the other things on my plan list for Riverhaven:
- Jewelry store (semi-custom jewelry, similar to Eorie in Rossman's)
- More cards for the card shop, as well as other paper products
- Adventurer's garb (think Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo, then dial it back to the point where I won't get that mom-like look thinking of my daughter wearing it :)
No plans for a blackboard to record record fish, I'm afraid, but I may be able to get the fishmonger to carry some bait and other supplies. You'll have to have your own pole if I do that, though.
No time estimate on when this will be done, though, so don't get too antsy. The card shop is in QC, the other shops are in the design stage, so they'll be a while. I just wanted to say hullo, and give you a heads up on some of the things being planned.
-Linda / Danalae

Any new info on this stuff? I'm antsy to buy me some custom jewelry! :-D

Want to feel pretty, oh so pretty?
Character customization through shifts, alterations, and custom enchantments!
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Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/14/2008 08:25 PM CST
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Nigurf Liitseit is pleased to announce the opening of the Scrivener's room in the back of Smaragdaus' Joy in Riverhaven, selling origami paper and greeting cards. Please use caution in purchasing your cards, as there are several racks available. If you STUDY your purchase, you'll find out how to use them.

In addition, a few merchants have found their way to the city for the weekend. While it's not a festival, it may brighten your day and lighten your purse.

-Linda / Danalae
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/14/2008 09:31 PM CST
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Awesome addition. How long will the other merchants be open for?

Rev. Reene

You ask, "Ever eat a Halfling?"

The grumpy Shadow Servant quietly says, "I only eat what you give me, but I thought you said we weren't going to talk about that incident."
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/14/2008 09:42 PM CST
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Post mentions for the weekend...
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/14/2008 10:03 PM CST
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Yeah but I probably won't be able to make it on for very long until late Sunday if at all, so uh... be good to know if it was going to be all day Sunday until early Monday or what.

Doesn't matter that much, I'll live without less crap in my life/vault/servant.

Rev. Reene

You ask, "Ever eat a Halfling?"

The grumpy Shadow Servant quietly says, "I only eat what you give me, but I thought you said we weren't going to talk about that incident."
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/14/2008 11:40 PM CST
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Thank you for this, great shops.

Not that I like shopped and bought a bunch of stuff or anything!
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/15/2008 06:13 AM CST
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this of course happens a day AFTER i come all the way down to leth from muspari to buy a whole bunch of origami paper :-)

thank you!

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/15/2008 12:01 PM CST
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I love the new shop... perfect for stealing runs.

player of Celeiros

Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill

And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/16/2008 08:05 PM CST
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Love the new shop, can we get basic primers added by chance please?
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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/17/2008 08:57 AM CST
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Does anyone know, by chance, if the merchants have come and gone yet? I spent decent amount of time wandering around looking goofy the other day, but I didn't want to do the same today if I was too late already.


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Re: Shop Opening in Riverhaven on 02/17/2008 12:51 PM CST
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They've come, but they haven't gone yet.

Player of Kardlo
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