I'm excited to check out this area. It's good to see that northern Therengia is getting some GM lovin. What's the best way for a lower-level character (23rd Ranger) to get to Rossman's? I imagine the trail from Haven would chew me up and spit me out.
Also, from an RP perspective, I've been curious to know how this Lord Rossman plays into the Mordzindaen, Therengia's Great Houses. Quarel or Danalae, care to shed some light on the matter?
~Thilan Farnmor, Ranger.
Horses in and about Rossman's Landing on 07/19/2003 10:04 AM CDT
Re: Horses in and about Rossman's Landing on 07/19/2003 02:35 PM CDT
Re: Horses in and about Rossman's Landing on 07/19/2003 11:39 PM CDT
I'm afraid horses would have to be brought to Rossman's Landing via boat. The "bridge" is more something you'd find on a confidence course (one rope that you shuffle your feet across, while clinging desperately to a second rope strung about chest-high), and is not something a horse can navigate. While it could probably manage the river (I think... I don't know too much about horses and swimming), it couldn't manage to climb up the rather sheer bluffs that need to be negotiated from the south.
However, if you ask at the stable, the hands there will be happy to arrange to have your horse shipped in if you don't bring him via your own rented transportation.
However, if you ask at the stable, the hands there will be happy to arrange to have your horse shipped in if you don't bring him via your own rented transportation.
Re: Horses in and about Rossman's Landing on 07/21/2003 09:23 PM CDT
Nicola Rossman's Letter (extract) on 07/22/2003 02:12 PM CDT
While the rest of the letter was lost, a maid cleaning the ashes from the grate recently discovere a partially burnt page of a letter written by Nicola Rossman, daughter of the current Lord, to a friend in Riverhaven. A copy of the letter is hereby made available to those interested in the founding of Rossman's Landing not long ago.
The creatures attacked that night. Once, they were no more than bothersome pests, easily subdued by our hunters. Of late, however, they seem to have grown in intelligence and organization. Some said it was the gods' will that we be punished, others held that the witch Jomay, offended by our lord pointing out her insanity, had cast her spells on the orcs. All we knew for sure is that their drums thrummed around us, and those who ventured outside the walls were frequently lost.
That night, they attacked in force, breaking down the gates and swarming on makeshift ladders over the palisade walls. The lord and many of his soldiers were killed trying to defend those walls, to no avail. Father, the town's blacksmith, was ordered to organize those too young or too old to defend the walls, and the women with small children. Shielded by what soldiers remained, we ran, breaking through the orcs as those around us died. In the dark of night, we fled, older children carrying the younglings in their arms, adults supporting the injured.
Mother was in the rear. Father always said she couldn't run very fast, but she was handy with her halberd. Not handy enough, though. No more than a league from the old town, she fell. My brother dragged her body, but when we finally managed to escape and make camp for the night, she was buried beneath the trees.
The next day, we sought shelter along the shores of the lake. The traders have a small enclave there beneath a bluff where the river flowed into the dark waters. Father remained as the leader of our small group, setting us to chopping trees for the palisade walls before we ever considered houses. Our people must be protected by strong walls, higher than those of the village we abandoned.
That was a year ago. Now, the town grows around us. Sturdy wooden houses replace the ramshackle huts we built at first, and the Baron has confirmed my father's leadership, sending us soldiers and masons to help us build stone walls. No more than thirty families survived that night. Everyone lost someone dear to them. But we are determined to stay, all of us who remain, and to persevere on the land we claim as our own.
-SGD Danalae T'Aliesan
The creatures attacked that night. Once, they were no more than bothersome pests, easily subdued by our hunters. Of late, however, they seem to have grown in intelligence and organization. Some said it was the gods' will that we be punished, others held that the witch Jomay, offended by our lord pointing out her insanity, had cast her spells on the orcs. All we knew for sure is that their drums thrummed around us, and those who ventured outside the walls were frequently lost.
That night, they attacked in force, breaking down the gates and swarming on makeshift ladders over the palisade walls. The lord and many of his soldiers were killed trying to defend those walls, to no avail. Father, the town's blacksmith, was ordered to organize those too young or too old to defend the walls, and the women with small children. Shielded by what soldiers remained, we ran, breaking through the orcs as those around us died. In the dark of night, we fled, older children carrying the younglings in their arms, adults supporting the injured.
Mother was in the rear. Father always said she couldn't run very fast, but she was handy with her halberd. Not handy enough, though. No more than a league from the old town, she fell. My brother dragged her body, but when we finally managed to escape and make camp for the night, she was buried beneath the trees.
The next day, we sought shelter along the shores of the lake. The traders have a small enclave there beneath a bluff where the river flowed into the dark waters. Father remained as the leader of our small group, setting us to chopping trees for the palisade walls before we ever considered houses. Our people must be protected by strong walls, higher than those of the village we abandoned.
That was a year ago. Now, the town grows around us. Sturdy wooden houses replace the ramshackle huts we built at first, and the Baron has confirmed my father's leadership, sending us soldiers and masons to help us build stone walls. No more than thirty families survived that night. Everyone lost someone dear to them. But we are determined to stay, all of us who remain, and to persevere on the land we claim as our own.
-SGD Danalae T'Aliesan
Re: Nicola Rossman's Letter (extract) on 07/22/2003 05:21 PM CDT
Re: Nicola Rossman's Letter (extract) on 07/22/2003 07:38 PM CDT
Swimming to Rossman's on 07/23/2003 05:33 PM CDT
A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/09/2003 02:37 PM CDT
Greetings all Rossman's Landing Ladies, (and ladies from surrounding areas)
We have decided that we need a party to celebrate HSN!
We'd like to invite all ladies in need of a party to join us at Portman's for a rollicking good time with refeshments and entertainment!
There will be a gathering afterwards for all.
Ladies Only-
When: Saturday August 16
Time: 10:00pm EST
Where: Portman's Tavern
Free For All beginning around 11:00pm est.
Hope to see you there!
Allurana, Deloria, Junzaa
and Entertainment Coordinator Rayac.
We have decided that we need a party to celebrate HSN!
We'd like to invite all ladies in need of a party to join us at Portman's for a rollicking good time with refeshments and entertainment!
There will be a gathering afterwards for all.
Ladies Only-
When: Saturday August 16
Time: 10:00pm EST
Where: Portman's Tavern
Free For All beginning around 11:00pm est.
Hope to see you there!
Allurana, Deloria, Junzaa
and Entertainment Coordinator Rayac.
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/10/2003 01:12 PM CDT
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/10/2003 01:19 PM CDT
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/10/2003 10:29 PM CDT
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/11/2003 08:16 AM CDT
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/12/2003 10:36 PM CDT
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/13/2003 02:40 AM CDT
Re: A Hot Summer Night In Rossman's! on 08/13/2003 11:05 AM CDT
>>now drevid dear as long as yer table dancin for us we promise not to corrupt ya too much wink
I want to see this. That's good blackmail material.
Live by the shield, die by the shield.
I want to see this. That's good blackmail material.
Live by the shield, die by the shield.
Ship to Rossman's? on 09/22/2003 06:01 PM CDT
I haven't had an opportunity to check out Rossman's yet. I noticed that the maps show a road from Theren and from Haven, but looks like there are plenty of dangers on the way. I also noticed that there is a dock, so can someone tell me if there is a ship that travels to Rossman's and where it departs from?
Re: Ship to Rossman's? on 09/22/2003 06:40 PM CDT
There is not a ship that automatically travels to Rossman's. You can however rent a boat at either the Riverhaven or Langenfirth Marina's and sail that to the dock at Rossman's.
~Ascot, et al.
"Whatever you need to do, you do it. There is no wrong. If somebody needs to be killed, you kill him, that's the way."
~Ascot, et al.
"Whatever you need to do, you do it. There is no wrong. If somebody needs to be killed, you kill him, that's the way."
Re: Ship to Rossman's? on 09/28/2003 08:38 AM CDT
Rossman's keep... on 10/01/2003 10:08 PM CDT
ok, so I was over exploring (again) this neat little town, and I spent more time by the drawbridge and keep...
When I was looking at it (the drawbridge) though, I got the messaging that someone would have to lower it for me. Does that mean it's accessable? I'm all for going back and figuring out the puzzle, but I thought I'd save my sanity and ask first in case it's not yet open.
Thanks in advance,
When I was looking at it (the drawbridge) though, I got the messaging that someone would have to lower it for me. Does that mean it's accessable? I'm all for going back and figuring out the puzzle, but I thought I'd save my sanity and ask first in case it's not yet open.
Thanks in advance,
Rossman's Wish List on 10/15/2003 03:07 PM CDT
First and foremost (as I have previously stated) thank you so very much for this area. With this in mind, I have a few 'wish list' items, some are small and some are big but thought I would toss them out for discussion:
1. Origami Shop. There is currently not one in Therengia to my knowledge. Any shop, anywhere in Therengia (North of the river) would be perfecto.
2. When the place originally opened, there was a lengthy post about its history. I would like to see that an IG book if possible. Could even be a short parchment or such.
3. Open the keep ::grin::.
4. Because of the history of the place, it would seem reasonable that the gates would be closed at night and a guard or two out and about. Maybe citizen benefit for getting in at night?
5. There seems little difference between Bandits and Reivers (and their associated warcats). I would like to see Bandits moved down a bit (and their associated warcats) to fit more firmly between Orc Scouts and Reivers. This gives a greater range of skinning and hunting between Scouts and Reivers.
6. Life mana seems pretty bad, as most of the empaths stay in the Church or outside the gate at the intersection. Maybe look at the Life mana at two potential gathering spots: outside the church at the bin and at the Arch (just inside the gate).
7. If we don't have an automatic empath, can we get scar herbs in the herb shop?
Thanks for reading thought the post and I hope it generates some discussion on the ideas.
1. Origami Shop. There is currently not one in Therengia to my knowledge. Any shop, anywhere in Therengia (North of the river) would be perfecto.
2. When the place originally opened, there was a lengthy post about its history. I would like to see that an IG book if possible. Could even be a short parchment or such.
3. Open the keep ::grin::.
4. Because of the history of the place, it would seem reasonable that the gates would be closed at night and a guard or two out and about. Maybe citizen benefit for getting in at night?
5. There seems little difference between Bandits and Reivers (and their associated warcats). I would like to see Bandits moved down a bit (and their associated warcats) to fit more firmly between Orc Scouts and Reivers. This gives a greater range of skinning and hunting between Scouts and Reivers.
6. Life mana seems pretty bad, as most of the empaths stay in the Church or outside the gate at the intersection. Maybe look at the Life mana at two potential gathering spots: outside the church at the bin and at the Arch (just inside the gate).
7. If we don't have an automatic empath, can we get scar herbs in the herb shop?
Thanks for reading thought the post and I hope it generates some discussion on the ideas.
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/15/2003 03:24 PM CDT
Good Suggestions Madi, I would only add..
>1. Origami Shop.
YES! There really needs to be a shop up north somewhere.
>6. Life mana seems pretty bad, as most of the empaths stay in the Church or outside the gate at the intersection.
Some empaths use the room outside of the Tannery.
And speaking of the waste bin, can we have one there?
Tulmara keeps makin a mess.
Also I would suggest most sincerely a request for more houses. There are only a few and half of them are owned by people I never see.
>1. Origami Shop.
YES! There really needs to be a shop up north somewhere.
>6. Life mana seems pretty bad, as most of the empaths stay in the Church or outside the gate at the intersection.
Some empaths use the room outside of the Tannery.
And speaking of the waste bin, can we have one there?
Tulmara keeps makin a mess.
Also I would suggest most sincerely a request for more houses. There are only a few and half of them are owned by people I never see.
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 06:06 AM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 06:08 AM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 10:22 AM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 04:35 PM CDT
>>>Also a non city way to get into pecs for us rangers would be wonderful. I really like so many things about rossman. Great area!
It's already done. Scout around a bit just outside of town.
Falkonis says, "blah blah blah companion... blah blah blah"
Falkonis says, "not another word"
Falkonis says, "about companions"
You hear the voice of Jent say, "Boo Hoo"
It's already done. Scout around a bit just outside of town.
Falkonis says, "blah blah blah companion... blah blah blah"
Falkonis says, "not another word"
Falkonis says, "about companions"
You hear the voice of Jent say, "Boo Hoo"
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 05:56 PM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 06:25 PM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 06:46 PM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 08:50 PM CDT
Re: Rossman's Wish List on 10/16/2003 08:58 PM CDT
Meeting of People who are residing in Rossman's on 11/14/2003 10:06 AM CST
I was at the audience with Prince Vorclaf last night when he named all the commanders of Zoluren for the upcoming war, it kinda hit me that the war is going to be soon. I was thinking that we have a lot of good fighters that hunt in Rossman's and that maybe if enough showed interest we could get our own Rossman's Regiment together for the war so to speak. We could aid The provinces that are being attacked and I think we could be a good asset in the war if enough people show interest. I am going to hold a meeting Sunday night at 8 pm ET at my house in Rossman's for anyone that is interested in this. If we have a good enough showing of people who like to do that I am gonna bring the idea to the Baron and see if he would like our aid. You don't have to be a citizen of Therengia to participate in this just someone who has been living or hunting in Rossman's. My house is north of the church go gate east north and it is the house with the lion mounted on the door. This isn't an official meeting it's just to see who would be interested. Hope to see you there.
"I hate Pureblade." -Gadorr
"I hate Pureblade." -Gadorr
Re: Meeting of People who are residing in Rossman's on 11/14/2003 10:31 AM CST
Fine idea Gadorr.
I will be there for sure, I think that Rossmans would be a great place to be based to be able to offer support for Riverhaven and/or Theren and even Crossing at a push, in quite a short time. And there are a lot of very friendly folks around Rossmans too.
Ruslip the fat n ugly Dwarf
You do realise its just words.. RIGHT ?
I will be there for sure, I think that Rossmans would be a great place to be based to be able to offer support for Riverhaven and/or Theren and even Crossing at a push, in quite a short time. And there are a lot of very friendly folks around Rossmans too.
Ruslip the fat n ugly Dwarf
You do realise its just words.. RIGHT ?
Re: Meeting of People who are residing in Rossman's on 11/14/2003 10:37 AM CST
Re: Meeting of People who are residing in Rossman's on 11/14/2003 11:35 AM CST
<<I'll be there and I'll drag my bratty brother along.
Sorta like when we were younger huh Sis?
fades in --
You see a young Toggler follow an elven lass, tuggin on her cloak.
Little Drevid asks, "Are we there yet Ally, are we huh huh?"
Much Older Ally say, "Calm down Drevid we'll get there when we get there."
Little Drevid still tuggin on her cloak says, "Ally I gotta go to the bathroom"
Much Older Ally says, "sheesh you just went.. what do you have the bladder of a Gnome?"
A few moments later Little Drevid asks, "Sis?... I am hungry.
Much Older Ally says, "Keep it up and I am going to keel you."
Little Drevid stands definently and says, "Oh yeah? I'll tell mom"
Much Older Ally getting frustrated throws her hands up and cast Ice Patch at poor Little Drevid and he snaps his neck.
And that my friends is the first of her many killings of poor lil innocent Drevid. :)
Drevid the Innocent
Sorta like when we were younger huh Sis?
fades in --
You see a young Toggler follow an elven lass, tuggin on her cloak.
Little Drevid asks, "Are we there yet Ally, are we huh huh?"
Much Older Ally say, "Calm down Drevid we'll get there when we get there."
Little Drevid still tuggin on her cloak says, "Ally I gotta go to the bathroom"
Much Older Ally says, "sheesh you just went.. what do you have the bladder of a Gnome?"
A few moments later Little Drevid asks, "Sis?... I am hungry.
Much Older Ally says, "Keep it up and I am going to keel you."
Little Drevid stands definently and says, "Oh yeah? I'll tell mom"
Much Older Ally getting frustrated throws her hands up and cast Ice Patch at poor Little Drevid and he snaps his neck.
And that my friends is the first of her many killings of poor lil innocent Drevid. :)
Drevid the Innocent
Re: Meeting of People who are residing in Rossman's on 11/15/2003 01:50 PM CST
Climbing in Rossman's on 06/11/2004 10:37 AM CDT
Re: Climbing in Rossman's on 08/04/2004 12:30 PM CDT
Rossman's Landing is dying. on 09/02/2004 09:37 PM CDT
Well, at least the people that live here are. We've hit the point of desperation.
There are hardly ever any clerics here anymore. When there are, they are usually pets imported.
Hardly ever have empaths. When there are, they too are usually pets.
Please, can the GMs in charge do something to improve the desire of clerics and empaths to come to Rossman's and live?
We are dying over here, and there's no rescue in sight.
Shield: It does a body good.
There are hardly ever any clerics here anymore. When there are, they are usually pets imported.
Hardly ever have empaths. When there are, they too are usually pets.
Please, can the GMs in charge do something to improve the desire of clerics and empaths to come to Rossman's and live?
We are dying over here, and there's no rescue in sight.
Shield: It does a body good.