Could use a drag on 10/28/2006 08:05 PM CDT
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I dont know how it happened, but I woke up dead in orc bandits today. Only thing I can think of, is I ghosted after I lost my connection last night while running the trail from lang to rossmans. I dont know how long Ive been dead, so would really appreciate a drag if someone wouldnt mind.


All great men are dead, and I am not feeling well.
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Re: Could use a drag on 10/28/2006 08:37 PM CDT
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Ok, now someone just walking by just got killed in my room too. Anyone able to come to bandits?


All great men are dead, and I am not feeling well.
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Re: Could use a drag on 10/29/2006 06:47 AM CST
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Did you get help? I just logged in to look for you and couldn't find you so I hope so.

Player of too many

Jim regarding Ragran, Ainandil and Sakhara: Though of the three you by far are the most logical, the other two are just circling the airport with no landing gear.
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