Ropes bug on 03/20/2009 04:37 PM CDT
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Today I went to cross the ropes from Theren to Rossman's. I got there and somebody was already on them. After a minute or so this message came up:

>XXX loses his grip on the rope. He grabs frantically but to no avail as he slips. You can almost see smoke rising from his fingers as he slides along the ropes, trying desperately to keep from falling. Just when it seems his doom is certain, he manages to scramble off the ropes to collapse on the other side.

Even after he apparently fell though, it still said he was on the ropes whenever I tried to climb onto them. After about 5 minutes I assisted because it seemed like the ropes were broken and maybe something needed clearing. After another 5 minutes or so, and with the GH standing there, XXX shuffled south twice and off the rope and they worked fine again.

Something's gotta be buggy, and figured this was the place to post it.

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Re: Ropes bug on 03/22/2009 09:13 PM CDT
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I had that happen as well. I assisted but it was because someone had disconnected in the middle of crossing the bridge.

The messaging for a fall is probably on a timer. What actually happens is probably tied to the actual time on the rope.

Be a pain to have someone DC and decide to come back the day after though.

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