Bug on 07/05/2003 12:17 PM CDT
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Bug or The Amazing Blaswordini on 10/17/2003 06:06 PM CDT
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You shuffle along a rope leading south.
[On a Rope Bridge, Above a Ravine]
The ravine floor is far below, a painful fall if you should lose your grip. With no other way to cross, you can only shuffle along, moving first one hand, then a foot, and hope the ropes will hold. The south side of the ravine is almost within your reach. You also see a rope leading south and a rope leading north.
Obvious paths: none.
Roundtime: 28 seconds
The wind whirls around you like a mad thing, making your footing decidedly unsure. You tighten your fingers around the rope, clinging to your precarious support.
A sharp snapping noise draws your attention to the rope under your feet. Gods willing, it will hold you long enough to let you reach the other side.
The rope sags slightly as the wind catches it, making you cling as you wait to see if this will be the end.
* Adept Magmus Bloodston joins the adventure.
A sudden gust sends the rope swaying wildly. You clutch at the frail support, but to no avail as your fingers lose their grip, sending you plummeting...
[On a Rope Bridge, Above a Ravine]
The bottom rope sags beneath your weight as you struggle to cross, halfway between the north and south edges of the ravine. Far below, broken rocks litter the ravine floor and promise a painful landing. You also see a rope leading south and a rope leading north.
Obvious paths: none.
You are stunned!

notice where i was and where i ended up

~Some people drink coffee, I drink the blood of my enemies.~

~Bombmaster Blasword
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Re: Bug or The Amazing Blaswordini on 11/05/2003 10:50 AM CST
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Well, darned... it's supposed to dump you (stunned, of course) into Sky giants. <adds it to my bug list and wanders off, humming>

-SGD Danalae T'Aliesan
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Re: Bug or The Amazing Blaswordini on 11/05/2003 03:00 PM CST
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How does one actually fall off the ropes? Never seen it or heard of it until now...

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
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Re: Bug or The Amazing Blaswordini on 11/05/2003 03:07 PM CST
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>How does one actually fall off the ropes? Never seen it or heard of it until now...



"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
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Bug with PP and a Gate on 08/12/2004 09:15 PM CDT
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[Rossman's Landing, Waterway Road]
Most houses in the town are built side-by-side, sharing their walls with their neighbors. Here, however, a narrow cobblestone alley has been left between two buildings, flanked by a woven wicker gate. Scraggly rose bushes growing on either side twine their thorny branches to form a fragrant arch over the passage. You also see a shadowling.
Obvious paths: north, south.
>perceive all
[Assuming you mean a woven wicker gate.]
You don't detect anything unusual about the wicker gate.
Roundtime: 9 sec.

Don't Be An Idiot

Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"
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