A quick question for y'all... What sort of climbing skill is needed for the rope bridge? Also, does the amount of skill differ depending on the direction of travel? Thanks for the help.
~An eager empath...
Rope Bridge on 08/16/2003 02:19 AM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 08/17/2003 01:21 PM CDT
I've heard you need at least 50 in climbing. I can't make it with 40. I don't think it matters which way you're going.
Smelly Cat's Site of Stink:
For Havenites, by Havenites.
Smelly Cat's Site of Stink:
For Havenites, by Havenites.
Re: Rope Bridge on 08/18/2003 02:26 AM CDT
>Smelly Cat's Site of Stink:
>For Havenites, by Havenites.
You people are insane. I need to move back there sometime and revel in it.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
>For Havenites, by Havenites.
You people are insane. I need to move back there sometime and revel in it.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
The Rope Bridge on 03/12/2008 06:17 AM CDT
Okay, thankfully someone directed me to the correct place to post this, so I'll try it again...
The rope bridge over the sky giant ravine is no more of a problem than the road to vines and creepers up by Theren, EXCEPT at the end; the 25 seconds of RT there can be deadly, if you're not up into warcat hunting range.
I'll summarize my point: It should be impossible to be advanced on and attacked while in RT, since presumable that RT means you're still on the rope. Due to mechanics it deposits you in the room, though, and leave you at the mercy of anything that might be there.
So far I've managed to avoid dying, though it was a close thing the first time through. Is there any chance the bridge could be changed to the road to Ker'leor model, where you still have RT but get put in a special room until it ends, then deposited at the destination? Or could we have that last block of RT removed, or lessened?
Thanks :)
You say, "Ya know... I really wish I could learn mech lore by lopping something's head off"
The rope bridge over the sky giant ravine is no more of a problem than the road to vines and creepers up by Theren, EXCEPT at the end; the 25 seconds of RT there can be deadly, if you're not up into warcat hunting range.
I'll summarize my point: It should be impossible to be advanced on and attacked while in RT, since presumable that RT means you're still on the rope. Due to mechanics it deposits you in the room, though, and leave you at the mercy of anything that might be there.
So far I've managed to avoid dying, though it was a close thing the first time through. Is there any chance the bridge could be changed to the road to Ker'leor model, where you still have RT but get put in a special room until it ends, then deposited at the destination? Or could we have that last block of RT removed, or lessened?
Thanks :)
You say, "Ya know... I really wish I could learn mech lore by lopping something's head off"
Re: The Rope Bridge on 03/12/2008 07:30 PM CDT
It has been stated by the creators that the rope bridge is meant to be dangerous. There are other ways to get to Rossman's more safely, ship, moongate, up the Jantspyre river from Riverhaven... think of it as a risky crossing through a warcat infested forest, you can make it if you get lucky but there is always that chance one will pounce on ya when you least expect it. I like the feeling I get when I get off the ropes, blood starts moving, I think to myself, come on, come on, run run! to me its part of immerseing yourself in the story that is DR.
At the time it was built/discovered Rossman's was a small outpost village in the forest surrounded by wild creatures. Now that the Keep has been built perhaps Lord Rossman would consider improving the access. Have you thought about making it one of your characters IC missions? Petition Lord Rossman for capital improvements for better access to his Lord Baron's homecity of Therenborough. just an idea..
You gesture at a gargantuan korograth.
A sheet of slippery rich amber ale-hued ice forms beneath a gargantuan korograth!
The gargantuan korograth refuses to fall.
At the time it was built/discovered Rossman's was a small outpost village in the forest surrounded by wild creatures. Now that the Keep has been built perhaps Lord Rossman would consider improving the access. Have you thought about making it one of your characters IC missions? Petition Lord Rossman for capital improvements for better access to his Lord Baron's homecity of Therenborough. just an idea..
You gesture at a gargantuan korograth.
A sheet of slippery rich amber ale-hued ice forms beneath a gargantuan korograth!
The gargantuan korograth refuses to fall.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 03/12/2008 07:48 PM CDT
>>It has been stated by the creators that the rope bridge is meant to be dangerous. There are other ways to get to Rossman's more safely, ship, moongate, up the Jantspyre river from Riverhaven...
The problem is going from Theren to Riverhaven. It's either that or the barge. The only problem I have with it is that the RT is all random and all large. It should scale with skill IMO
The problem is going from Theren to Riverhaven. It's either that or the barge. The only problem I have with it is that the RT is all random and all large. It should scale with skill IMO
Re: The Rope Bridge on 03/12/2008 08:15 PM CDT
Re: The Rope Bridge on 03/13/2008 04:01 PM CDT
As JMF90 says, the problem is not the danger exactly, but the illogical danger you get at that one particular point. A warcat should NOT be able to attack you while you're on the rope bridge, it makes no sense, yet that is what happens.
It could have been a technical limitation or an oversight, but the fact remains that it is just quirky mechanics and certainly can be fixed, as shown by the road leading to vines and creepers from Theren.
I'll repost an example for clarification... say you want to go to the store. If you get in your car and drive there, it may take say five minutes. That is your RT: the five minutes it takes to move from one place, your home, to the store, the other. Moving on the rope SHOULD be the same way; the RT there comes from moving from one place to the next along the rope.
Now, say something happens to the store while you're going there. A gas leak that makes it explode, or whatever. You're still on the way there (read: still in RT on the rope bridge), not ACTUALLY there, so what happens at your destination should not affect you.
The way the bridge works, you effectively teleport each time you "shuffle", and then sit for half a minute. This is illogical, and THAT is what I am basing my argument on. You are still in the RT from the action of shuffling to your destination, yet things happening in (or creatures at) this destination can affect you.
I will admit that this is how much of movement in DR works... swimming, for instance, gives a few seconds when moving room to room. However, I can generally overcome a two second roundtime; 25 is a totally different case.
I think that about sums it up, sorry for the long post... just trying to be clear as I can.
You say, "Ya know... I really wish I could learn mech lore by lopping something's head off"
It could have been a technical limitation or an oversight, but the fact remains that it is just quirky mechanics and certainly can be fixed, as shown by the road leading to vines and creepers from Theren.
I'll repost an example for clarification... say you want to go to the store. If you get in your car and drive there, it may take say five minutes. That is your RT: the five minutes it takes to move from one place, your home, to the store, the other. Moving on the rope SHOULD be the same way; the RT there comes from moving from one place to the next along the rope.
Now, say something happens to the store while you're going there. A gas leak that makes it explode, or whatever. You're still on the way there (read: still in RT on the rope bridge), not ACTUALLY there, so what happens at your destination should not affect you.
The way the bridge works, you effectively teleport each time you "shuffle", and then sit for half a minute. This is illogical, and THAT is what I am basing my argument on. You are still in the RT from the action of shuffling to your destination, yet things happening in (or creatures at) this destination can affect you.
I will admit that this is how much of movement in DR works... swimming, for instance, gives a few seconds when moving room to room. However, I can generally overcome a two second roundtime; 25 is a totally different case.
I think that about sums it up, sorry for the long post... just trying to be clear as I can.
You say, "Ya know... I really wish I could learn mech lore by lopping something's head off"
Re: The Rope Bridge on 03/13/2008 04:09 PM CDT
I have no problem with the rope being dangerous and I understand that is an intentional part of the way the area is designed, but like others I want the danger to make sense.
A higher chance of falling off for example would be fine But tacking RT on the end like that just doesn't make any sense to me. :\
Rev. Reene
John: Boys, petty theft, assault, battery, breaking and entering, assault with a deadly computer peripheral, misdemeanor vandalism and loitering.
John: And those are just the things I think you did this weekend.
A higher chance of falling off for example would be fine But tacking RT on the end like that just doesn't make any sense to me. :\
Rev. Reene
John: Boys, petty theft, assault, battery, breaking and entering, assault with a deadly computer peripheral, misdemeanor vandalism and loitering.
John: And those are just the things I think you did this weekend.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/08/2008 06:09 PM CDT
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/10/2008 08:02 AM CDT
Get enough combat skills where once you cross it won't be any type of danger. Those warcats and bandits are the easiest to hunt in Rossmans so once you are past them it's a piece of cake.
Player of Strategist Adakin of Prime
Killr of TF
Kastr of TF
"The Key To Immortality Is Living A Life Worth Remembering."
"Killing Time Murders Opportunities."
Player of Strategist Adakin of Prime
Killr of TF
Kastr of TF
"The Key To Immortality Is Living A Life Worth Remembering."
"Killing Time Murders Opportunities."
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/10/2008 04:14 PM CDT
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/11/2008 11:04 AM CDT
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/11/2008 05:04 PM CDT
actually the warcats come in 3 varieties, ones with scouts, ones with bandits, ones with reivers in the village. They are all different in skill and go from easiest in scouts, midrange in bandits, and the harder in with reivers. Hope that helps.
You gesture at a gargantuan korograth.
A sheet of slippery rich amber ale-hued ice forms beneath a gargantuan korograth!
The gargantuan korograth refuses to fall.
You gesture at a gargantuan korograth.
A sheet of slippery rich amber ale-hued ice forms beneath a gargantuan korograth!
The gargantuan korograth refuses to fall.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/11/2008 05:51 PM CDT
heh I was more hoping for the weirdness to be fixed... I'm sure I'll be able to kill the critters soon enough, they didn't one-shot me after all, but even then I'll bring this up from time to time. The way the danger is implemented seems like something just thrown in there without conseideration for the logic of the situation... which says that there's no valid reason to end up at the end of the rope and stand there for 30 seconds in RT.
It's a simple oversight, that's all. There're probably a dozen simple enough fixes, the most obvious being changing it to the theren road model.
* Rainea just stole Urrem'tier's pizza!
* Smelly cat was just eaten by a zombie fishhead!
* Rambliin was just eaten by a grue.
You have just gained a new rank in seven-handed blunt!
-GMs on April 1st, 1:00-2:00 AM
It's a simple oversight, that's all. There're probably a dozen simple enough fixes, the most obvious being changing it to the theren road model.
* Rainea just stole Urrem'tier's pizza!
* Smelly cat was just eaten by a zombie fishhead!
* Rambliin was just eaten by a grue.
You have just gained a new rank in seven-handed blunt!
-GMs on April 1st, 1:00-2:00 AM
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/11/2008 06:01 PM CDT
Oversight? And here I thought it was designed to set qualifications to get into the area. Rossman's Landing isn't supposed to be easily reached by characters below a minimum level of capability. It's a higher level area, and even if one successfully argues that the design of the rope bridge is illogical, any proposed change would need to be one that preserves the intent and effectiveness of the obstacle.
Perhaps orc archers should shoot at characters the whole time they are on the rope bridge. :)
Perhaps orc archers should shoot at characters the whole time they are on the rope bridge. :)
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/12/2008 12:44 AM CDT
Bottom line is, it's illogical and should be changed somehow, as GM time allows of course.
You already have the survival reqs to keep players with lower skill from reaching the area. I personally wouldn't be hurt if all of a sudden people who can't kill sky giants can skip the barge ride to Theren and back. Of all the people I know, the only ones who make regular use of the rope bridge are making a trip to Theren to hunt vines... and therefore not likely to be able to handle warcats. They use the shortcut when they can anyway. As for Rossman's, I've never had to go there for more than a few minutes, and still use the shortcut to get back to Crossing from Theren. Again, higher level players beware... us lowbies will come anyway :P
As a side note, the danger level is actually pretty low. It's the way it's implemented that annoys people most, I think. And isn't there a chance to fall into the ravine, too? The one supposedly filled with sky giants? How's THAT not dangerous?
* Rainea just stole Urrem'tier's pizza!
* Smelly cat was just eaten by a zombie fishhead!
* Rambliin was just eaten by a grue.
You have just gained a new rank in seven-handed blunt!
-GMs on April 1st, 1:00-2:00 AM
You already have the survival reqs to keep players with lower skill from reaching the area. I personally wouldn't be hurt if all of a sudden people who can't kill sky giants can skip the barge ride to Theren and back. Of all the people I know, the only ones who make regular use of the rope bridge are making a trip to Theren to hunt vines... and therefore not likely to be able to handle warcats. They use the shortcut when they can anyway. As for Rossman's, I've never had to go there for more than a few minutes, and still use the shortcut to get back to Crossing from Theren. Again, higher level players beware... us lowbies will come anyway :P
As a side note, the danger level is actually pretty low. It's the way it's implemented that annoys people most, I think. And isn't there a chance to fall into the ravine, too? The one supposedly filled with sky giants? How's THAT not dangerous?
* Rainea just stole Urrem'tier's pizza!
* Smelly cat was just eaten by a zombie fishhead!
* Rambliin was just eaten by a grue.
You have just gained a new rank in seven-handed blunt!
-GMs on April 1st, 1:00-2:00 AM
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/12/2008 06:13 PM CDT
>Perhaps orc archers should shoot at characters the whole time they are on the rope bridge. :)
that actually would be more realistic. and certainly would still have alot of danger. obviously there should not be a 100% chance that it happens, but if one is in the room below, or wanders in, then yea, fire away.
that actually would be more realistic. and certainly would still have alot of danger. obviously there should not be a 100% chance that it happens, but if one is in the room below, or wanders in, then yea, fire away.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/13/2008 07:30 AM CDT
Isn't below the rope Sky Giants? I am pretty sure if you fall off the rope you end up with a nasty stun, a head wound, and in Sky Giants.
Cylons... why debugging matters.
Cylons... why debugging matters.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/13/2008 12:06 PM CDT
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/14/2008 04:00 PM CDT
<<Isn't below the rope Sky Giants? I am pretty sure if you fall off the rope you end up with a nasty stun, a head wound, and in Sky Giants.
I believe you are right.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
I believe you are right.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/21/2008 06:19 PM CDT
The sky giant thing is what I've heard from most sources, though I am both lucky enough and smart enough not to be testing it on my relatively low-circle character.
* Rainea just stole Urrem'tier's pizza!
* Smelly cat was just eaten by a zombie fishhead!
* Rambliin was just eaten by a grue.
You have just gained a new rank in seven-handed blunt!
-GMs on April 1st, 1:00-2:00 AM
* Rainea just stole Urrem'tier's pizza!
* Smelly cat was just eaten by a zombie fishhead!
* Rambliin was just eaten by a grue.
You have just gained a new rank in seven-handed blunt!
-GMs on April 1st, 1:00-2:00 AM
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/21/2008 07:00 PM CDT
>>I am both lucky enough and smart enough not to be testing it on my relatively low-circle character.
I've been running my 14th circle Empath back and forth to Rossman's that way. I'll post if anything really exciting happens.
You belt out, "Avast! Prepare to be boarded!"
>jump ferry
Gathering up your courage, you take a flying leap toward the other ferry and land on its deck.
I've been running my 14th circle Empath back and forth to Rossman's that way. I'll post if anything really exciting happens.
You belt out, "Avast! Prepare to be boarded!"
>jump ferry
Gathering up your courage, you take a flying leap toward the other ferry and land on its deck.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/24/2008 01:05 AM CDT
<<L's post>>
By testing I meant crossing the bridge back and forth over and over specifically to see if anyting happens. I only head up that way occasionally, but I'll post if something happens too, of course.
It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
Most people reading this for the first time just tried to lick their elbows.
By testing I meant crossing the bridge back and forth over and over specifically to see if anyting happens. I only head up that way occasionally, but I'll post if something happens too, of course.
It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
Most people reading this for the first time just tried to lick their elbows.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/27/2008 12:03 AM CDT
completely off topic here, but....
in response to wisecrackdragon's signature:
>It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
what bout gene simmons? maybe he can or someone else with a very long tongue. lol
>Most people reading this for the first time just tried to lick their elbows.
yes, i did. i would say that me bein drunk is my excuse, but im positive i woulda tried sober too.
in response to wisecrackdragon's signature:
>It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
what bout gene simmons? maybe he can or someone else with a very long tongue. lol
>Most people reading this for the first time just tried to lick their elbows.
yes, i did. i would say that me bein drunk is my excuse, but im positive i woulda tried sober too.
Re: The Rope Bridge on 04/27/2008 11:25 AM CDT
Rope Bridge on 06/23/2008 02:33 PM CDT
Renewing my request to change the rope bridge at Rossman's to something similar to the Road to Ker'Leor in Theren - i.e. you don't leave the rope till after the RT. As it stands you end up stepping off the rope and standing around for 30 seconds (with a sign, I imagine, advertising yourself as a snack for the critters there) before moving on.
The RT is from being on the rope, and if you're on the rope the enemies (they are NOT flying enemies) should be unable to attack.
I dunno if this would be simple or difficult, but it would certainly be nice.
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible;
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible Master of War!
~Disturbed: Indestructible, unofficial Barbarian Theme Song. YouTube it.
The RT is from being on the rope, and if you're on the rope the enemies (they are NOT flying enemies) should be unable to attack.
I dunno if this would be simple or difficult, but it would certainly be nice.
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible;
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible Master of War!
~Disturbed: Indestructible, unofficial Barbarian Theme Song. YouTube it.
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 03:38 AM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 07:35 AM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 11:18 AM CDT
That's evil, heheh...
Anyway, I don't think we ever got an answer as to whether or not this might happen. The RT should not come after you move off the bridge; it's basically saying you just stood around for 30 seconds after you hopped off. It's less of a pain in the other instances where this happens, because the RT is lower, but with this...
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible;
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible Master of War!
~Disturbed: Indestructible, unofficial Barbarian Theme Song. YouTube it.
Anyway, I don't think we ever got an answer as to whether or not this might happen. The RT should not come after you move off the bridge; it's basically saying you just stood around for 30 seconds after you hopped off. It's less of a pain in the other instances where this happens, because the RT is lower, but with this...
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible;
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible Master of War!
~Disturbed: Indestructible, unofficial Barbarian Theme Song. YouTube it.
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 11:41 AM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 01:24 PM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 04:08 PM CDT
It is seemingly OOC how the bridge mechanics work. I'm pretty sure the danger is part of the difficulty. Take that aspect out, and you'll have to fill it with something else. Probably a higher or random chance of falling into sky giants. I'd rather deal with the 30 second roundtime in bandits. Arm-worn shields made this a lot safer.
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 06:50 PM CDT
<<must be a Plat thing >>
i don't know why someone in plat would even cross that bridge, with jump jewelry available there.
<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
i don't know why someone in plat would even cross that bridge, with jump jewelry available there.
<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 09:02 PM CDT
I like what they did in GS4 when the Elven Nations were released... Think of P5 opening and a rope bridge was the only way to get there. Now imagine a ton of anxious players trying to cross said bridge not realizing that once someone was on the bridge and by attempting to climb onto the bridge you knocked the person on the bridge into a chasm. Sweet evil genius.
If I were to spite my face, in my opinion, cutting off my nose would be a reasonably good start.
I like what they did in GS4 when the Elven Nations were released... Think of P5 opening and a rope bridge was the only way to get there. Now imagine a ton of anxious players trying to cross said bridge not realizing that once someone was on the bridge and by attempting to climb onto the bridge you knocked the person on the bridge into a chasm. Sweet evil genius.
If I were to spite my face, in my opinion, cutting off my nose would be a reasonably good start.
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 09:45 PM CDT
>>i don't know why someone in plat would even cross that bridge, with jump jewelry available there.
Unfortunately, none of the jump jewelry pieces come pre-set for Rossman's. So you have to:
a)Get a blank piece and hope to see a moon mage who can fix it for you.
b)Cross the bridge and hope nothing's waiting on the other side.
c)Learn to swim well.
That being said, I do agree that a novice char shouldn't try to cross that bridge without a very good reason. Though it does give me an idea for an experiment...
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Unfortunately, none of the jump jewelry pieces come pre-set for Rossman's. So you have to:
a)Get a blank piece and hope to see a moon mage who can fix it for you.
b)Cross the bridge and hope nothing's waiting on the other side.
c)Learn to swim well.
That being said, I do agree that a novice char shouldn't try to cross that bridge without a very good reason. Though it does give me an idea for an experiment...
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/25/2008 10:07 PM CDT
>>I do agree that a novice char shouldn't try to cross that bridge without a very good reason. Though it does give me an idea for an experiment...
Apparently, novices can't fall off that bri--err, damn. Lemme amend that: apparently novices can't climb out of sky giants either.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
Apparently, novices can't fall off that bri--err, damn. Lemme amend that: apparently novices can't climb out of sky giants either.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/26/2008 07:19 AM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/26/2008 08:18 AM CDT
Re: Rope Bridge on 06/26/2008 01:07 PM CDT