Re: Rope Bridge on 06/26/2008 03:32 PM CDT
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I would go for higher climbing ranks = lower RT on the bridge.


True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.

Arthur Ashe
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Re: Rope Bridge on 06/26/2008 04:29 PM CDT
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Their is only one solution men and women..



"Failure is not our only punishment for laziness: there is also the success of others."
Jules Renard
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Re: Rope Bridge on 06/26/2008 10:04 PM CDT
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The "other instances" I was talking about was referring to other times you move rooms and move into the room immediately, but have RT from the movement - i.e. walking thru mud or swimming. You don't teleport and wait around, logically, but it would not make sense for all the many low-RT places this happens to have a waiting room or w/e like the road to Ker'Leor. The rope bridge, on the other hand, has a high enough RT to justify it.

The teleport-in-and-wait thing is lacking heavily in logic and playability when the RT is high enough for something to advance and attack. For the record my characters haven't ever been killed on the shortcut, and only actually got attacked once - so the danger is very low. If it is intentional, I'd bet it could go without anyone shedding tears.

Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible;
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible Master of War!
~Disturbed: Indestructible, unofficial Barbarian Theme Song. YouTube it.
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Rope Bridge Bug on 12/25/2008 04:03 PM CST
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I already BUGged this last month or so but just in case it takes a while to be fixed I'll warn people here.

You will become completely stuck if you have some means of getting an item into your hands while you're already ON the bridge. (for example, a thief contact fix/delivery which can be delayed until after you left town).

While stuck on the bridge, absolutely NO commands aside from ASSIST will work. That's correct, not SHUFFLE and not even REPORT will save you. You will have to wait for an assist GM.

Once the assist GM arrives, even the GM cannot speak on the bridge. The GM must resort to SENDs to communicate with you, one-sided. There is often confusion where the GM just assumes you didn't know how to SHUFFLE when that is simply not the case.

If you have an item in hand you will not be permitted to do ANYTHING aside from ASSIST. It takes a while to get the message across to the GM to realize intervention is required and that it wasn't just some game puzzle the player can't figure out.

"When I grow up, I want to be a soulless monster trapped in a suit of enchanted armor and compelled into violent service for a commercial institution through torturous psychic conditioning." -- Armifer
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Re: Rope Bridge Bug on 12/25/2008 04:06 PM CST
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>>here is often confusion where the GM just assumes you didn't know how to SHUFFLE when that is simply not the case.

lol this happens to you often?


Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
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Re: Rope Bridge Bug on 12/25/2008 05:05 PM CST
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In one session after several repeated ASSIST messages to insist it is not the case the GM is assuming, sure.

"When I grow up, I want to be a soulless monster trapped in a suit of enchanted armor and compelled into violent service for a commercial institution through torturous psychic conditioning." -- Armifer
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Re: Rope Bridge Bug on 12/25/2008 08:16 PM CST
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Haha, good to know.
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Re: Rope Bridge Bug on 12/25/2008 08:27 PM CST
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I can just imagine the moon mage setting a distant gaze next to the rope bridge... and sending them a pigeon card when they get on it. Hah.

I'm sure the GM would come down on the mage. But the thought is amusing.
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