Barrel relocation on 07/16/2009 12:40 PM CDT
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I'd like to make a request that the barrel (disposal) inside the courtyard of Rossgallan Keep to be moved one "room" to the Southeast.

[Rossgallan Keep, Courtyard]
A long, low building nestles beneath a high thatched roof at the eastern end of the courtyard, giving it an odd resemblance to an elongated haystack with a chimney at either end. The steep angle of the roof helps keep snow from accumulating during the winters. You also see a copper-banded barrel.

[Rossgallan Keep, Southeast Courtyard]
Smoke and soot drift from the southeast, darkening the timber and plaster walls of a small shop and the wooden posts of the palisade beyond. A sign swaying above the shop's door bears the painted image of a fist clutching a sword

Many thanks!
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Re: Barrel relocation on 07/16/2009 01:02 PM CDT
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I second this request! Thank you!


>I'd like to make a request that the barrel (disposal) inside the courtyard of Rossgallan Keep to be moved one "room" to the Southeast.

[Rossgallan Keep, Courtyard]
A long, low building nestles beneath a high thatched roof at the eastern end of the courtyard, giving it an odd resemblance to an elongated haystack with a chimney at either end. The steep angle of the roof helps keep snow from accumulating during the winters. You also see a copper-banded barrel.

[Rossgallan Keep, Southeast Courtyard]
Smoke and soot drift from the southeast, darkening the timber and plaster walls of a small shop and the wooden posts of the palisade beyond. A sign swaying above the shop's door bears the painted image of a fist clutching a sword.
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