[Skeleton's Crook, Gate of Souls]
Rising in a snubbed tower, the collapsed hill that broods in the center of Skeleton's Crook hilltop is covered in black basalt. A strong ruddy light seeps from the arterial cracks breaking the mound's surface, each line connecting to one or the other until they form an arch-like pattern reminiscent of a doorway on the hill's north-facing side. You also see a fire sprite, a fire sprite, a fire sprite, an immature firecat, a tiny swirled blue moonstone, a tiny banded olive diopside, a tiny mint green chrysoprase, a silver coin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a massive granite boulder, an immature firecat, a fire maiden that appears stunned, a fire maiden, a fire maiden and some junk.
Also here: Pfanston.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest.
The boulder in this room that is pushed to gain entry to a tunnel to the Blasted Plains beyond the Gate of Souls is extremely difficult to use for characters of the appropriate level for the hunting ground beyond. When you attempt to push the boulder aside, any mob hitting pole with automatically stop the pushing process. Is it possible to just let mobs hit pole and melee without interrupting the pushing process as long as you don't enter another command?
[Skeleton's Crook, Gate of Souls] boulder is the worst on 08/06/2016 01:23 AM CDT
Re: [Skeleton's Crook, Gate of Souls] boulder is the worst on 08/17/2016 11:00 PM CDT
>>When you attempt to push the boulder aside, any mob hitting pole with automatically stop the pushing process.
I hunted there quite a lot and found that I simply could not predict what would stop the pushing process. It seemed to happen all the time for reasons I couldn't fathom.
The only thing for it was to just keep trying. I could always eventually get it to work even with critters on me.
- Navesi
I hunted there quite a lot and found that I simply could not predict what would stop the pushing process. It seemed to happen all the time for reasons I couldn't fathom.
The only thing for it was to just keep trying. I could always eventually get it to work even with critters on me.
- Navesi
Re: [Skeleton's Crook, Gate of Souls] boulder is the worst on 08/17/2016 11:23 PM CDT
IIRC, it was originally meant to be something you had to push with teamwork and not something you were meant to solo-push. Given how the area isn't used that often, it might be due for a revamp.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: [Skeleton's Crook, Gate of Souls] boulder is the worst on 08/18/2016 04:57 AM CDT