To travel to and from Muspar'i within Therengia you need a passport to pass West through Fornsted. Now that we have an airship for flights between Crossing and Muspar'i, can we get the clerk in the citizenship building in Muspar'i to also grant passports through Fornsted? It would make hunting Ker'Leor much more convenient if you didn't have to travel back to Theren Keep for a passport.
[Muspar'i, Records Office]
S'Kra Mur clerks toil away inside a cramped room, made to seem far smaller thanks to mounted wall racks loaded with yellowed vellum scrolls, stacks of parchment sheaves piled in the corners, and decoratively carved oak desks -- ornamentation strikingly unusual in bureaucratic offices. A door, sealed by an iron bar, leads deeper into the building, perhaps for additional paper storage. On the opposite side of the room, an archway leads back to the streets outside. You also see a clerk.
Obvious exits: none.
>study clerk
You've over heard others asking a clerk about citizenship, quitting, taxes, titles and visas.