Build the Road! on 07/22/2007 10:36 PM CDT
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Okay, also from a post half a decade ago (sorry, I'm just catching up on this folder):

>>Pathian: The road out the south gate supposedly leads right to Darkstone. That's according to King Fade, but that's if we trust what he says or not. He was supposed to show us when we helped him steal that artifact from Erzebet. ::mutters::

>>Nycthemron: Well, there is a road marker in the southern part of TC that indicates a road to Darkstone. But, of course, there is no passable road at the moment.

Somebody build it!!

Legendary Thief Kraelyst the Hand

"The day is for honest men, the night for thieves."
-- Euripides

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke
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Re: Build the Road! on 07/22/2007 10:40 PM CDT
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Strongly concur.

Rev. Reene

SEND[Zeyurn] Congratulations, you broke Taisgath somehow.
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Re: Build the Road! on 07/23/2007 08:14 AM CDT
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I need to go back through this folder and look at all the stuff I posted. Ha ha.

A very dangerous stretch of road that required decent amounts of various survivals (swimming, climbing, and escaping) would be ideal. Even an abandoned escape tunnel or old Dwarven mine that stretched between the two would work.

Poor Throne City needs some lovin'.
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