Excavation on 06/05/2002 12:12 AM CDT
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Okey dokey. I found the site and played with it a little. Got a few questions, though.. Is there a minimum amount of mech lore skill that it will take to unearth the "unknown artifact"? I've spend the better part of an hour picking away at the trench without uncovering the artifact. I only have 22 mech lore, so I can understand not finding anything if it is the case that there is a minimum amount required. Otherwise...

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Excavation on 06/06/2002 05:45 AM CDT
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I don't know if anyone mentioned but are the trenches a safe area?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Excavation on 06/06/2002 02:57 PM CDT
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>I don't know if anyone mentioned but are the trenches a safe area?

I have yet to have critters come in while I've been here blowing my bonus.

Side note: Take the stuff you don't want out of the trench and drop it. The thugs will eventually come and clean the room, but they don't take the stuff in the trench. Thanks.

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Re: Excavation... on 06/10/2002 03:02 AM CDT
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Would it be possible to get some excavation sites in Darkstone(Dirge).
City is old as can be and also alot of goodies are sure to have been buried in the ash. All and all considering the city was imperial and was a wealthy city for some time. Just a thought.

Ibec Alshaerd
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Excavation on 06/12/2002 02:01 PM CDT
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Not even sure if I spelled that right...but anyway. I really think I could grow to love this whole digging in the dirt mess. Whos in charge of it, and where should I post my comments/suggestions? Su Helmas...here we come :)
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Re: Excavation on 06/12/2002 02:38 PM CDT
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i believe Rigby owns it
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Excavation sites and perception. on 07/01/2002 09:28 AM CDT
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Hiyas Rigby,
Just dropping a note saying how much I love the excavation site and how I hope to see more of these across Elanthia. :) I have been thinking though on perception in regards to the excavation sites and was wondering if it would be possible to add this skill to aid in the finding of items. Perhaps it will help you find a better item because perception does deal with the finding of hidden items or other features/aspects of elanthia and it will be of aid when excavating items.
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Excavations! Finds and Questions. on 07/06/2002 12:07 AM CDT
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Been scripting excavating in TF for about a straight day now, and thought that I'd share the findings with the interested. Well, with a mech lore rank of 69, it seems my finds have been rather limited. I've found TONS of obsidian arrowheads. (which, oddly enough, aren't getting swept up by the thugs. grr... getting flooded in here!)

Also, I've found, various styles of tiles, cobblestones, chains, mortars, and now I've got a lovely collection of gold lapel pins.

Is there more to it than this? is it dependent on luck, or does mech lore take part? I've got hopes for some sort of mildly magical item still. ::grins::

Anyways, that's it for now!

-Thiefly, in TF
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Re: Excavations! Finds and Questions. on 07/06/2002 12:35 AM CDT
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That's pretty much all I have seen in my excavations.

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Excavation Question on 08/20/2002 04:29 AM CDT
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How does one use the excavation site?
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Getting to Excavation Site? on 06/20/2003 08:21 AM CDT
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I just read through this whole folder and saw someone who posted that he died trying to get to the excavation site through thugs. Then someone else posted that there was a safer way.

I'm sitting here now looking over Ranik's Map and I see only one way, through Angiswaerd, which doesn't seem very safe to me! Am I missing something? I'm not in Throne City now, but I thought it might be fun to go sometime. However, I don't have any desire to die up there, so I was trying to plan ahead.

Lathaliu's Player
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Re: Getting to Excavation Site? on 06/20/2003 08:27 AM CDT
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You can run past angiswaerd. : ) Thugs use Crossbows and other ranged weapons which they snap off as soon as you enter. So through Angiswaerd its safer if you run.

Join the Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a
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Re: Getting to Excavation Site? on 06/20/2003 09:25 AM CDT
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>>You can run past angiswaerd. : ) Thugs use Crossbows and other ranged weapons which they snap off as soon as you enter. So through Angiswaerd its safer if you run.<<

Ok, thanks. I think I can deal with running through a critter area as long as they don't shoot projectiles at me. <g>

Lathaliu's Player
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Re: Getting to Excavation Site? on 06/20/2003 10:05 AM CDT
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Indeed, I was dashing around in there invisible when those thugs hit me with the green powder and proceeded to turn me into a pin cushin with bolts. ::shudder:: I have to say dashing through areas with ranged attacks can be hazerdous for your health.

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Excavation Site on 06/08/2004 04:33 PM CDT
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I don't want to sound ungrateful, but has anybody found anything really interesting or useful while excavating? If you look in the trench now without even digging, there is a ton of stuff sitting in there. Then after about an hour of digging and brushing I foud..... another fragment.

Looks like you can juggle the tiles...that's something I guess. I'm not saying this should always be exiting every time, just wondering if it gets any better?
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Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/12/2004 06:16 PM CDT
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It would be pretty cool to see the clay fragment<s> from the excavation site be able to be pieced back together into complete pieces of pottery for sale to the museum in throne city.
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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/12/2004 07:53 PM CDT
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Or, better yet, selling just the fragments themselves.. since the museum has them on display for some odd reason.

-The Nihilist
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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/13/2004 07:03 AM CDT
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How about some sort of buyer, other than the pawn shop, which doesn't buy most of the stuff anyway. I'd like to see some kind of crazy collector/historian that wanders around town, occasionally spontaneously spewing historical facts about the city. When you give him the fragments he would suddenly become excited and start telling you "This is from....[whatever the history says, I can't remember. I am no good at real history nor IG history.]
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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/13/2004 07:55 AM CDT
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<::How about some sort of buyer, other than the pawn shop, which doesn't buy most of the stuff anyway. I'd like to see some kind of crazy collector/historian that wanders around town, occasionally spontaneously spewing historical facts about the city. When you give him the fragments he would suddenly become excited and start telling you "This is from....[whatever the history says, I can't remember. I am no good at real history nor IG history.::::>

I like the idea of a straight sale in the museum if you are in a rush but from a rp standpoint, I find that a crazy collector/historian is an alternative with much more potential for players to learn about Elanthia history. :)
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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/13/2004 10:34 AM CDT
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>>I like the idea of a straight sale in the museum if you are in a rush but from a rp standpoint, I find that a crazy collector/historian is an alternative with much more potential for players to learn about Elanthia history. :)

Perhaps have a buyer for the museum comparable to the coin collector in the war mage fortress in Shard, and have him able to give a few tidbits of information about Throne City and assorted artifacts.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/13/2004 11:07 AM CDT
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Coin collector?

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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/13/2004 11:09 AM CDT
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>>Coin collector?

Yup. He sits in the citadel's bank and buys oravir slivers from the people who hunt vycathi.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Excavation Sites Revisited on 06/14/2004 10:25 AM CDT
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Hey, don't care where he is, but he must be OUT OF HIS MIND. mwahahahhaa

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General Store and Excavation on 04/09/2006 06:31 AM CDT
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The General store carries almost everything you need for excavating, except a spade.

There is a trowel there you can buy, but you can't dig with it. It can be used for the "picking" part of excavation, which means there are two tools sold for the same purpose. Looks like a mistake to me, but it's odd that it hasn't been fixed for so long.

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Re: Excavation... on 07/22/2007 07:53 PM CDT
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>>>>>Any chance we can see it somewhere like the Lost Crossing too?<<<

>>GM Rigby: You'll likely see the excavation setup appear in quite a few other places, and the items you'll find will obviously vary by location. As to specifics, I don't know yet (aside from one, but I'm keeping my mouth shut on it).

Okay, I know I've gone back half a decade on this post (6/4/2002), but could someone look into these excavation mechanics Rigby had and maybe implement them elsewhere as he indicated would be done? Seems like a little cut and paste of code and then figuring out items to put in them would probably do the trick.

Legendary Thief Kraelyst the Hand

"The day is for honest men, the night for thieves."
-- Euripides

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke
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Re: Excavation... on 07/22/2007 09:21 PM CDT
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Wish granted. Think it's Oolan who is taking on a mining-related expansion to foraging (yay! a new system that gets people back to grubbing in the dirt!) and then following that up with a whole new never-before-seen mining system.

Of course, I think Forging 2.0 would come first...

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
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