Possible bug? on 07/06/2012 05:22 PM CDT
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Not sure if this is a bug or not but when I commanded my pilot to sail for landfall docks I got this response: Kedco says, "Master, I currently don't have the charts to sail to the Landfall Harbor anchorage at Pi'Qanah island."

Anyone know where this island is? Or is this a bogus message?


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Re: Possible bug? on 07/06/2012 06:06 PM CDT
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Is that where you can find Groomba's House of Dentistry?

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
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Re: Possible bug? on 07/06/2012 10:52 PM CDT
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I believe its a GMPC-only accessible area, utilized during the Sorrow wars to my recollection by some of the Pirates, at least that Island was where some of them were "located" by Moon Mages.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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