Calling all ship Captains! ( and friends of ) on 08/14/2013 10:59 PM CDT
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Hey there folks.

I'm attempting to get together a list of all the private vessels here in DR along with some minor details about the ship (class, rooms, pilot, extras, where it came from, etc.) for future conversion over to Elathipedia (all hail!) and I'm looking for help from the players. If you own a ship, or someone you know does, I would really appreciate you sending me an e-mail over to with all those important details.

A good way to provide that info would be to use the following format:

Ship Name: (name of the vessel)
Ship Class: (cog, cutter, brig, galleon)
Ship Appearance: (how it looks in the water)
Ship Captain: (owner and captain)
Ship Pilot: (name of pilot)
Available Rooms: (how many rooms can you access, both above and below deck)
Extras: (storage spaces, telescopes, poles and bait, etc.)
Source: (where the ship came from. auction, shipyard, raffle, found it under a tree, etc.)

If you wanted to also provide full descriptions of rooms on board, I'd be totally willing to put that information on the Elathipedia as well. We can also work out a section for you folks to add in things like service records, crew records, history and ownership timelines later. But if you had that information now, I'd be willing to put that up also.

I see those goofy balls of code as a valuable resource that has gone largely neglected. With the loss of the Land and Sea webpage, I'd really love to get this information back out there. I appreciate your help with this.

What are you worried about, a pool of black shadows might jump up and bite you?
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Re: Calling all ship Captains! ( and friends of ) on 08/30/2013 10:17 PM CDT
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Just to update folks on my progress with this project.


I'd like to send a huge thank-you to Caraamon and all the other wonderful people who help clean things up on Elathipedia and make that wonderful resource what it is.

I should mention there is still a lot of information missing for a lot of the ships. This is just my current standing and what I've been able to put together. If you would like to contribute, I encourage it! Add the information to the pages yourself or you can always e-mail me the information you would like added. Once again, thats and put "Ship Information" in the subject line so I'll know exactly whats up when I see it. Thanks!

* Zadraes was just swallowed out of existence by Elanthia.
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Re: Calling all ship Captains! ( and friends of ) on 05/14/2014 02:49 PM CDT
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Still looking for folks who can help me with this project. There is still a lot of information missing for a lot of the ships and I'm still not totally sure I've gotten them all documented. This is just what I've been able to put together after sailing around to a few docks and boarding a few ships without guards active. Don't worry, I didn't fool with any of your stuff! That's just not how I get down.


If you would like to contribute, I encourage it! Add the information to the pages yourself or you can always e-mail me the information you would like added. Once again, that's and put "Ship Information" in the subject line so I'll know exactly whats up when I see it. Or, on the other hand, you can just click the Email Author link below my picture. If you didn't want to do that, just contact Kasto next time you see him in the game and offer me a tour. I'll copy/paste the needed info myself if that's easier. Thanks!

As always, a huge thank-you goes out to Caraamon and all the other wonderful people who help clean things up on Elathipedia and make that resource so damn awesome to have. All hail Elanthipedia!

You are Kasto del'Fawkraste, a Rakash.
Your face is a smooth, glossy grey. Your bottle-nosed snout is full of tiny sharp teeth, and a fine mist of salt-tinged air sprays from a hole in the back of your head as you breathe.
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