F2P and the rent-able lakeboats on 05/25/2015 12:12 PM CDT
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It appears that the lakeboats for Therengia are considered to be private ships, thus F2P folks cannot board them to rent them and sail them. Any chance this could be changed? If not, I totally understand. From everything I've ever heard, the ship system is a dark and scary place which few who venture into ever come out again.

You say to Tathalus, "Have you ever tried to clean a troll den? The smell sticks around for years to come."
Liev says, "That is my cue to leave."
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Re: F2P and the rent-able lakeboats on 05/25/2015 04:27 PM CDT
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>>Hexedbythenet: It appears that the lakeboats for Therengia are considered to be private ships, thus F2P folks cannot board them to rent them and sail them.

They can, however, still ride as passengers. (I escorted one last night.)

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