Schooners on 07/15/2005 01:00 PM CDT
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Can we please have schooners attacking ships such as the Lybadel once again? It's really lame how they just pop up out of nowhere in mass quantity. It was always a great role play opportunity when the schooners would latch on to the ship and you could board the schooner if you wanted to; or trying to sink the schooners with mangonels.
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Re: Schooners on 07/15/2005 01:33 PM CDT
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Yeah, the schooners were probably the best thing about pirates. Not only does it make roughly zero sense for pirates to just sort of appear there (it's a ship...where could they possibly be coming from?), but that makes the ships just like any other hunting area...they lose that special flavor.

-Steel Fist Karthor
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Re: Schooners on 07/15/2005 01:41 PM CDT
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After fighting some of the magically-appearing pirates, I decided that I like the change to flex creatures. Being a melee fighter, its a little bit easier to get past their parrying without pumping massive amounts of tdps into agility. Kudos on the flex change!

-Stone Warrior Galahant Longbarrow, Blood Dancer of the Stone Clan Militia
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Schooners on 12/31/2010 12:29 PM CST
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If there are going to be long trips like the Lybadel, Kree, and Skirr can we bring back random pirate attacks again?
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Re: Schooners on 01/02/2011 02:27 AM CST
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I've seen them happen recently, not on the Skirr however.
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