renting out ships on 03/01/2009 10:44 PM CST
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i was wondering if there was any interest out there (or if it is even possible) for someone to rent out their ship for a set period of time. like say i would like to rent your ship for 1 week, and i will pay you, say.... 300 plat (or whatever we work out) up front. then you would add me to the list of people (however that works, im not too sure to be honost with ya) who can command the ship. for that week i can use it whenever i want. at the end of the week, you take me off of being able to use the ship. thought, suggestions?

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Re: renting out ships on 03/02/2009 05:16 AM CST
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I'm always interested in renting out my ship, just need to work on the terms. The nice thing is that once you are sailing and not docked anything goes so you can have some pretty good parties going on. I have a very fast galleon and the way it works is who ever pays will become a member of the crew which allows them to command the Pilot to go where ever.

Shipyards are closed so I don't mind sharing for coin. My ship is called Rolling Thunder after it's owner and all you have to do is get a hold of Thunndir Storm IG to make the arrangements.

It addition to the rental fees I may require a security deposit which would be return after a ship inspection. In the past I've had passengers take things off my ship that didn't belong to them.

Catch me in Game and we can work out the terms; I've rent the ship out for weddings, bachler/bachlerette parties, renewed wedding vowes, etc. I provide food and drink and am docked in crossing most fo the time.

Captain Thunndir Storm, Rolling Thunder
Grand Master War Mage
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Re: renting out ships on 03/02/2009 03:41 PM CST
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I also offer renting out "the Shadowed Charger". So if you're looking to rent the nicest ship out there then you can contact me. I don't require a security deposit and my vessel comes with it's own lad to clean up, a seagull to attack your guests, fishing gear in the hold for all your fishing desires, and plenty of amazing rooms to look around and enjoy. Can send me a message through my addy or IM themonkdr to make arrangements.

~Pirate Terc~

SEND[Caleveth] Good! That makes baby Damaris happy. Now go about your business and kindly try not to kill anyone else today before I'm finished with the paperwork for THIS one.
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Re: renting out ships on 03/03/2009 01:11 AM CST
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awesome. sounds great. i will probably be in the market shortly to rent out a boat then. i am getting close to reaching a part of my training that will move me round alot. so i will get in touch then.

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