Just the usual post asking for updates on boats. Has any GM been dumb enough to take ownership of them yet?
And please, for the love of all that is right or wrong with the world, please allow us to purchase more slots for people to be able to control the ship. 3 slots just isn't enough for me. I'd gladly pay for the slots and maybe tier the number of people able to control by the size of the ship.
~Pirate Terc~
SEND[Caleveth] Good! That makes baby Damaris happy. Now go about your business and kindly try not to kill anyone else today before I'm finished with the paperwork for THIS one.
Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 01:02 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 01:22 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 01:35 PM CST
I've been thinking the same thing, MikeM. I bought a boat in Plat, and the character that bought the boat uses it a lot. But I was thinking about how nice it would be if I could make it available for other characters to sail to different hunting areas and so on.
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 01:37 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 04:18 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 04:48 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 05:36 PM CST
>>I just wish I could assign crew slots to characters not logged in ... specifically, other characters on the same account as the captain. >>
this. please and. also more crew slots, than only captain, master and ships' mate to steer the ship. . i'm hopin' they'll fix 'em so we can buy 'em again. i'd like to get one in plat. though i don't have enough coinage there. yet. would be highly useful for when all 3 moons decide to be down at the same time.
"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 05:40 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 01/29/2010 05:57 PM CST
>I have a feeling when the shipyards open up again ships are going to be a lot more expensive.
Yeah, I have that feeling too.
More mech than plats; it's why I want the creation system. Lore sucks.
~ Purehand
After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Purehand, this court finds you innocent of the charges brought upon you."
Yeah, I have that feeling too.
More mech than plats; it's why I want the creation system. Lore sucks.
~ Purehand
After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Purehand, this court finds you innocent of the charges brought upon you."
Re: Boat Updates on 02/04/2010 01:18 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 02/04/2010 01:47 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 02/04/2010 02:44 PM CST
Re: Boat Updates on 02/04/2010 07:59 PM CST