If the ship owner cancels his account and there is a mate with an active account who pays the upkeep on the ship, does the ship remain in the game?
Thank you
Question Regarding Ships and Cancelled Accounts on 05/10/2010 04:36 PM CDT
Re: Question Regarding Ships and Cancelled Accounts on 05/11/2010 01:02 AM CDT
Re: Question Regarding Ships and Cancelled Accounts on 05/12/2010 03:11 AM CDT
Depends I think. If the person is going to be away for any extended time, then they might contact a GM and I think they can put an official hold on it and make it disappear (at least I think). I know I've gone away for months at a time though without being on hold and I think my mate or ship's master has used it and put money in.
Re: Question Regarding Ships and Cancelled Accounts on 05/12/2010 06:42 AM CDT
Re: Question Regarding Ships and Cancelled Accounts on 08/05/2010 03:32 AM CDT