Request on 04/17/2005 12:18 PM CDT
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Can someone repost the amount of time for reaching ports? Just a thought.

-Ibec Alshaerd

Stamped upon the parchment is the Crest of House Alshaerd. A grandeous phoenix rising from the Greater Fist of Heavens encircled by golden laurels.

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Ship Name Requests on 10/05/2005 12:23 PM CDT
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It's been about 2 weeks now since I submitted a name for a ship. Is this normal? Is there anyway to find out if the requested name was not approved? Will I be notified if the name is approved? Is anyone even working on ship names anymore?! I'm getting more and more upset everytime I go to check the list and the name isn't there.

::Life Mage Mingold Ravenflock::

"Midway along the journey of our life
I woke to find myself in a dark wood,
For I had wandered from the straight path." ::Dante::
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Re: Ship Name Requests on 10/05/2005 01:13 PM CDT
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Yea, Solomon. Can you check for us? I'm part owner in this ship with Mingold and Olvi's aren't good at being patient! <hums> Seriously, anyway to get the names on the list, please? Mingold, Rolach and I would really appreciate it!

A snow goblin reaches down and gently pets your corpse, then quickly looks about to make sure no one noticed.
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Re: Ship Name Requests on 10/05/2005 05:05 PM CDT
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I'd like to know as well, it's taking much longer to get the name then it's going to be to build the whole ship.


In the early morning, a figure steps off the Kree'la. His body tired from his long quest. The gold-edged chain armor he wears not helping his burden. With a soft voice he speaks. "I am finally home"
Resurrector Nonavet day 276 of the 380th year.
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Re: Ship Name Requests on 10/06/2005 09:40 PM CDT
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Request again. I'd suggest requesting every couple days during prime time. I think the name gets stored into a hopper that GMs and can see if they choose to, but probably nobody does... and i also think if you request a ship name while GMs are on they will see it. So keep requesting until the person who needs to be on is on. I'm sure if they rejected the name and they see you keep asking for it someone will tell you.

Bottom Line: Keep requesting.

"The day is for honest men, the night for thieves."
-- Euripides
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Re: Ship Name Requests on 10/07/2005 01:51 AM CDT
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You can assist to. We did, and it was someone else entirely than last ship guru that came and approved it.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Ship Name Requests on 10/07/2005 09:51 AM CDT
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It would have to be.


[Meerc] "People are irritatesome..."
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Re: Ship Name Requests on 10/07/2005 10:43 AM CDT
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We did assist about where to see the names list right after we requested the name and we got a GM.

like Kraelyst said Ming keep requesting it, if nothing else the GMs will get annoyed that the queue is getting full and they'll be forced to give us an answer.


In the early morning, a figure steps off the Kree'la. His body tired from his long quest. The gold-edged chain armor he wears not helping his burden. With a soft voice he speaks. "I am finally home"
Resurrector Nonavet day 276 of the 380th year.
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Requesting a Name on 02/06/2006 07:43 PM CST
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I have to say this really sucks, it's been two week now trying to get a named approved. Been checking every day, tried reporting, nothing is working. Very frustrating.
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/06/2006 10:40 PM CST
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K, I take everything back... finally got my ship ordered cheer!

[Barana's Shipyard, Construction Yard]
Although sporadically flooded by seasonal rains and severe tides, the wooden cradle used for shipbuilding seems solidly stationed. Another keel is being laid in it. To the east is the mast pond, and in the distance, farther from the bank, is the sail-maker's shed. You also see Rolling Thunder.
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/07/2006 12:22 AM CST
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That is a very awesome ship name. Best one to date :D

-My little slice of DR-
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/07/2006 05:40 AM CST
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>>Is there a I/G cost associated with transfering captains ownership in the brokers office?

No, there isn't. :) And congrats on the new ship! What class ship is it? Who will be the captain?

~ Gypsy Merchant Nabihle
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/07/2006 08:27 AM CST
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Congrats on the ship!


Support March of Dimes
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/07/2006 09:13 PM CST
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I'll be the Captain of Rolling Thunder, it is a Galleon class ship. 75 days to go....


Grand Master Warrior Mage Thunndir Storim, Range Master of Therengia

Don't confuse me with that Ranger with a simular name
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/07/2006 09:41 PM CST
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>I'll be the Captain of Rolling Thunder, it is a Galleon class ship. 75 days to go....

You should have petitioned for 'Rolling Thunndir'.

Fine. I'm wrong.
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/08/2006 08:51 AM CST
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Congrats on the galleon Thunndir! No kidding on the no confusion issue, the first time I heard that idiots thoughts on the gweth I thought to myself, what the heck happened to Thunndir? He take a potion of stupidity?


p.s: ooc: I then realized that the name wasnt highlighted in my warrior mage color and then made the mentally blind leap that it wasn't the same person. :grin:

p.p.s: Love the name for the galleon.

"There is no help for our kind. We walk a lonely road."

"Paladins. There ought to be a bounty on them."
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/24/2006 08:03 AM CST
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i'll be adding my name to the shipowners list soon as i get the name i want approved.

by the way, the ORDER process is a bit broken in barana's - she has listed to order boats which already are in existence <such as the immortal hand and the bloody stalker> and owned by others.

I assisted on the issue, not sure when they'll fix it.

Schvartzgonif & family <owners will be - cap't Schvartzgonif, Bagsodoks and Kadoshgonif>, and it will be a cutter.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/24/2006 06:11 PM CST
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Oh yeah...

Player of:
Adzul the Cleric
Linus the Empath
Ignatius the Cleric
Ocatvius the Trader

"A friend will help you move -- A good friend will help you move a body."
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/25/2006 07:52 AM CST
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>>by the way, the ORDER process is a bit broken in barana's - she has listed to order boats which already are in existence <such as the immortal hand and the bloody stalker> and owned by others.

Yeah, it's a known issue with the shipyard. That's why there were two ships named Star's Grace for a short while until the newer one was able to be changed. And congratulations on joining the ranks of Captain, gonif! Can't wait to see your ship sailing the high seas! :)

~ Gypsy Merchant Nabihle
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/25/2006 08:45 AM CST
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I've always wondered what names Barana currently has to choose, but since I am about 7950 plat for a boat, I don't think I'll learn anytime soon.

player of Celeiros and Makona

"I would suggest taking everything as some sort of IC bias unless you see something which seems to offer incontrovertible proof of an OOC issue." -- Navak
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Re: Requesting a Name on 02/25/2006 07:44 PM CST
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* Your post here *

Yard Master Barana says, "Here is the list of current available registries."

1 - the Swift
2 - the Rabid Guppy
3 - the Bloody Stalker
4 - the Kraken's Revenge
5 - the Crested Wave
6 - the Star's Grace
7 - the Whipped Dog
8 - the Wounded Pride
9 - the Golden Goose
10 - the Red Revenge
11 - the Black Plague
12 - the Immortal Hand
13 - the Scarlet Maiden
14 - the Reshal Reaper
15 - the Dog of the North
16 - the Assassin's Dagger
17 - the Mistress of Hearts
18 - the Reaper's Shadow
19 - Milady's Desire
20 - the King's Buccaneer
21 - the Hunting Hound
22 - the Flayed Martyr
23 - the Stealthy Hound
24 - the Pocked Lover
25 - the Dancing Harlot
26 - the Enchante

[Type ORDER # to make your choice or ORDER by itself to see list again.]

You have:
12005 platinum Kronars.
[Barana's Shipyard, Barana's Office]
Drawings and schematics of ships are tacked haphazardly to the walls. A worn track in the bare wood in front of Barana's desk testifies to the number of anxious ship buyers who have stood before him. Soft light glows from a salt-pitted brass lantern hanging from the ceiling, perhaps some retired relic of older days when it served as a running light swinging from some proud taftrail. You also see Yard Master Barana and a desk with a logbook on it.
Obvious exits: out.

they still don't have the name i requested yet. :-(

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Boat Name Requests on 03/29/2006 08:40 AM CST
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On a much less negative note...

Anyone have any idea about how long it takes a request for a boat name to go thru?

I only put it in last night, and I also know I won't be contacted if the name is approved/disapproved. I'll be checking the list again when I get home, but I'd like to know when it's become hopeless and I should try a new name.

Fateweaver Meerc
The above post should be taken with a grain of [explitive deleted].
To hell with unity
Seperation will kill us all
Torn to shreds and disjointed
Before the final fall
"Don't be an Airplane." - Baelor
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Re: Boat Name Requests on 03/29/2006 11:31 AM CST
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I've heard it usually takes 2-3 days, sometimes up to a week. Only one GM can approve them, so it depends on how busy they are.
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Re: Boat Name Requests on 03/29/2006 01:20 PM CST
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>>I'd like to know when it's become hopeless and I should try a new name.

If you don't get a response it doesn't mean your name was rejected. They'll probably tell you if your name is rejected. Also, although your request may go into some sort of queue it doesn't seem like anybody checks that queue very often, so the thing to do is request frequently until you get a response. From what Solomon has told me in response to my FAQ ( I'd recommend requesting once every day or two and usually do it during prime time.

Commodore Kraelyst

"The day is for honest men, the night for thieves."
-- Euripides
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Re: Boat Name Requests on 03/29/2006 02:41 PM CST
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Ah, that works. Thanks, Kraelyst(I was using your FAQ to figure out what to do)

I didn't want to keep posting it, because when I put in the request it said "though you can make another request in an hour, it's suggested you don't make the same request"

- When is considered prime time? I can't be on from 9am-8pm because I work for 9 hours(10-7) with an hour commute. I'll hit it up when I get home, nightly, though.

Thanks again, Kraelyst

Fateweaver Meerc
The above post should be taken with a grain of [explitive deleted].
To hell with unity
Seperation will kill us all
Torn to shreds and disjointed
Before the final fall
"Don't be an Airplane." - Baelor
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Re: Boat Name Requests on 03/30/2006 09:25 AM CST
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Solomon is the one who approves requests and at times it takes weeks, not just days.
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Old Request Being Renewed on 02/21/2009 11:25 PM CST
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Could we please get the ability to have more than 3 people able to control the ship? I don't mind pay some plats for it but with the lack of new ships I think this could be an "easy" (could be hell) fix that would make a lot of folks happy. Or maybe make it by ship size. Cog gets 3 who can control and each size up adds 1.

~Pirate Terc~

SEND[Caleveth] Good! That makes baby Damaris happy. Now go about your business and kindly try not to kill anyone else today before I'm finished with the paperwork for THIS one.
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Re: Old Request Being Renewed on 02/21/2009 11:40 PM CST
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I second this request! Would help a lot.

Thanks in advance, just in case.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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