request - allow your crew to board guarded boats on 12/20/2008 06:46 AM CST
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can it please be fixed that designated people on your crew <those given the position of "seamen" be allowed to board, even if you have your boat guarded? at present only the captain, mate or master can get on board.

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Re: request - allow your crew to board guarded boats on 12/20/2008 08:14 AM CST
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>>can it please be fixed that designated people on your crew <those given the position of "seamen" be allowed to board, even if you have your boat guarded? at present only the captain, mate or master can get on board.

This, please. Also characters on the same account as the owner? When you get around to fixing ships, that is.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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