Re: same sex relationships on 12/01/2008 11:39 AM CST
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>On that note, if we're going to make a big deal about LGBT relationships IG, we need to make an even bigger deal about interracial relationships.

I beleive we already have in-game lore references to anti-interracial marriage sentiment, and I certainly play Kougen as very passive-aggressive toward other Elves who marry outside their race (he had a Human father and sees this as an embarassment, even if he holds no grudge against him personally for it). As a player I tend to at least be more lenient with pairings that are at least feasible. (No, that Dwarf and that Gor'Tog did not give birth to that Prydaen and if you keep arguing there will be blood).

I think I'm going to go with the "no official stance is an open stance" as far as same sex relationships go here, and allowing them is sufficient endorsement in my mind. Not making a big deal out of it either way is the polite approach.
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